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P. 7

UNIT 1: FRIENDSHIP                                                              TEST  1

          13. Lizzie: Hey Danny! Listen. There is a science exhibition   16.     Chloe’s Weekend Plans
             in the Stark Technology Museum. I have two invitation
             cards for the exhibition. How about going to it together?      Saturday              Sunday
                                                                        take a guitar course     play tennis
             Danny:  ...........  Because  I  like  science  exhibitions  so
             much.                                                       go to the cinema       go shopping
                                                                           with friends
             Lizzie: Great! See you in front of the museum at 4.30 p.m.
                                                                           visit relatives   go to a pop concert
             Find the suitable option to complete the blank.
                                                                   According to the table above, which of the following
             A)  I’d love to, but I have to take care of my little brother.  option can we say?
             B)  Oh, I’m very busy, but I can’t refuse your invitation.
             C)  That would be great, but I have no time for it.   A)  She  is  going  to  play  a  musical  instrument  and  do
                                                                      sports on the same day.
             D)  I’m not into the organizations about science, sorry.
                                                                   B)  She  is  going  to  attend  a  music  event  and  buy
                                                                      something new on Sunday.
                                                                   C)  She is going to watch DVDs at home with her friends
                                                                      on Saturday.
          14. The chart below shows Scott’s friends’ personal traits.  D)  She is going to spend time with her relatives and see
                                                                      one of the latest films on different days.
                 Name              Personal Traits

                 Olivia           honest and reliable
                 Arthur           selfish and stubborn

                Mandy          generous and adventurous
                 Daniel           tactful and amusing           17.  A  middle  school  principal  asked  8th  grade  students
                                                                   about what personal traits a good friend should have.
             According to the chart above, which of the following   Here are their answers:
             option can we say?
                                                                      Number of students
             A)  Scott can’t count on Olivia and share his secrets with                                       Boys
                her.                                               100
             B)  Arthur never changes his mind, but he always thinks   80                                     Girls
                about other people’s needs.                          70
             C)  Mandy doesn’t like taking risks and buying presents   50
                for other people.                                    40

             D)  Scott and Daniel get on well with each other because   30
                Daniel is funny.                                     20
                                                                     10                                    Personal
                                                                        honest generous amusing supportive   traits
                                                                   According to the students’ answers, ..... .
          15. Andrew: Would you like to go to Othello play on Sunday?   A)  the  number  of  girls  preferring  generous  friends  is

             Sue: Sounds great, but I can’t. ...... I won’t be there then.   twice as many as the number of boys
             Find the appropriate choice to fill in the blank.     B)  more  than  half  of  the  boys  and  girls  want  to  have
                                                                      friends who make jokes and tell funny stories
             A)  I am going to go to the cinema that day.
                                                                   C)  almost all the boys and girls like friends who buy gifts
             B)  I like theater, but I don’t want to come with you.   for them and make them smile
             C)  I’m going to go out of the city to visit my aunt.   D)  most of the boys and girls want to have friends who
             D)  I think I will enjoy being with you.                 tell the truth and back them up

                                                                                             Grade 8 English   7
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12