Page 5 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 5

UNIT 1: FRIENDSHIP                                                              TEST  1

          1.  Bruce: The sport club is organizing a tennis tournament   4.
             on  Thursday  afternoon,  2   May.  Let’s  join  the  event
             together.                                                                  honest
             Ray: .............. I must visit my grandparents that day.    generous                stubborn
             Choose the appropriate option for the blank in the
             dialogue above.
             A)  I’m afraid I can’t.
                                                                      amusing                           reliable
             B)  Sounds exciting.
             C)  That would be perfect.
             D)  I have nothing better to do.

                                                                   Which  option  is  related  to  Charlie’s  personality
                                                                   according to the information on the diagram above?

          2.   I.  Would you like to go on a picnic with me in Central   A)  He doesn’t like buying things for his friends.
                Park?                                              B)  He usually changes his decisions or plans easily.
              II. No, not at all. Why are you asking?              C)  He tells the truth and keeps his friends’ secrets.
              III. Are you doing anything on Sunday afternoon?     D)  He never makes jokes or tells funny stories.
              IV. That sounds great! I’d like to.
             Put the sentences in the correct order to make a   5.  Steve: What do you think about Danny?
             meaningful conversation.                              Chloe: His face gets red when he talks to people he
             A) III - II - I - IV       B) III - I - IV - II       doesn’t know.
             C) I - II - III - IV       D) IV - I - II - III       Arthur: He always backs his friends up when they have
                                                                   a trouble.
                                                                   Kristen: He is always careful not to say or do anything
                                                                   that could upset someone.
          3.  Rosie, Martin, Sasha and Nathan are planning different
             free time activities for this week.                   William: He likes sharing things and spending money for
                                                                   his friends.
             ◆   Rosie is going to go to the cinema with her friends.
                                                                   According to the dialogue above, which option can
             ◆   Martin is going to play basketball with some friends.
                                                                   we say for Danny?
             ◆   Sasha is going to visit her uncle and aunt with her
                parents.                                           A)  He is self - centered and stingy.
                                                                   B)  He is outgoing but not kind.
             ◆   Nathan is going to go camping with his schoolmates.
                                                                   C)  He is laid - back and arrogant.
                       DAYS                ACTIVITIES              D)  He is generous and tactful.

                      Tuesday            visiting relatives
                     Wednesday         playing a team sport     6.  Julia: There is nothing in the fridge, dear. Shall we eat
                                                                   out tonight?
                      Saturday            making a camp
                                                                   Robert: ............. We can go to a Chinese restaurant.
                       Sunday           going to the movies
                                                                   Find the suitable option to fill in the blank.

             According to the information above, who is planning   A)  That would be great, but I’m so busy.
             an activity for the weekend?                          B)  I prefer eating at home, but we can order something.

             A) Sasha and Martin      B) Nathan and Rosie          C)  Sorry, but we don’t have time to go out.
             C) Martin and Nathan     D) Rosie and Martin          D)  Yeah, why not? That’s a good idea.

                                                                                             Grade 8 English   5
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