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P. 20

TEST  4                                                                UNIT 1: FRIENDSHIP

        11.  A prestigious university in the UK conducted research on what teenagers pay attention while choosing a friend. You see
            the results below.

                    personal traits    have something in common  get on well with each other  back each other up

                     → GIRLS         → BOYS

            Which of the following option can we say according to the results of the research?
            A)  When boys make friends, they pay more attention to people’s personal traits than girls.
            B)  Sharing similar interests and hobbies is more important for girls than for boys.
            C)  Girls prefer choosing supportive and helpful people as friends more than boys.
            D)  Both girls and boys pay equal attention to get on well with each other in their friendships.

                                   Hi, Danny
                                   I hope all is well in your world!

                                   I finished all my exams last week and I am going to have a party to celebrate it. It is
                                   on Friday, 19  April at my house. It starts at 4 p.m. Would you like to join us? I am
                                   sure you will have great fun with us. I guess you know my home address: it is 155,
                                   Carmen Ave, Birmingham. It is not very difficult to find. Take the number 41 bus and
                                   get off at Forest Road.


            Which sentence is not correct according to the invitation letter above?

            A)  Wendy is organizing a party and she sends Danny a letter to invite him to the party.
            B)  Wendy talks about the time, date and place of the party in her invitation letter.
            C)  Wendy gives Danny some details about the address of her house to find it easily.
            D)  Wendy doesn’t explain why she throws a party at her house in the invitation letter.

          20     Grade 8 English
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