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TEST  4                                                                UNIT 1: FRIENDSHIP

        5.  200 teenagers aged 13 to 19 joined a study about what      Answer the questions (7 - 8) according to
            a person with personal traits can be their best friend.         the text on Shannon’s blog.
            These are the results of the study.

                  honest                          50                         SHANNON'S BLOG

               supportive                             58

                  tactful           23

               generous         18

                 reliable                 31

                amusing            20                           Hi, there! Welcome to my blog. I'm Shannon Richards. I
                                                                have many friends. My friends are an important part of
                                                                my life. I can't imagine a life without them. While I am
            According to the study results, we can say that .... .
                                                                choosing my friends, I look for some personality traits.
            A)  many teenagers want to make amusing and tactful   If someone is honest, caring, helpful and adventurous,
               friends more than supportive friends             he or she can be my friend. I don't like jealous, sneaky
            B)  most of the teens prefer friends who never tell lies   and unreliable people. I spend more time with a few of
               and back them up when they need                  my friends than others. They are my close friends; Tina,
            C)  being funny and sharing things with people are the   Amy and Kelly. They are always there when I need them.
               most important characteristics for teens         We have a lot of things in common. I always rely on them
            D)  nearly the same number of teens think that a best   because they tell the truth and keep my secrets all the
                                                                time. They are not perfect like me, but we like each other
               friend should be reliable and honest
                                                                with our faults. I think friends are our mirror so if we are a
                                                                true friend, we'll have true friends.

                                                               7.  Shannon thinks .......... .
        6.                  ..............................        A)  her close friends are supportive and reliable

              • They share similar hobbies and interests.         B)  true friends in our lives should be perfect

                                                                  C)  people can’t have true friends easily
              • They are honest and never tell lies to each other.  D)  a life without friends can be possible

              • They keep each other’s secrets all the time.

              • They  spend  great  time  and  have  lots  of  fun

               together.                                       8.  We can understand from the text that .......... .
                                                                  A)  Shannon thinks our true friends sometimes tell lies
              • They usually get on well with each other.            and share our secrets with others

            What is the best title for the table above?           B)  if  you  want  to  have  a  true  friend,  you  should  be  a
                                                                     perfect person first
            A)  How To Make New Friends
                                                                  C)  true friends rarely keep secrets of their friends and
            B)  How To Be A Good Friend                              help them when they need
            C)  How To Be Close Friends                           D)  Shannon makes friends with people based on their
            D)  Tips For Being Happy                                 personal characteristics

          18     Grade 8 English
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