Page 172 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 172

TEST  3                                                         UNIT 10: NATURAL FORCES

        12. The World Meteorological Organization has carried out   13.                   The precaution against a
            research about global effects of natural disasters. Here   The name of the problem  potential problem
            are some results of the research:
                                                                      Energy shortage /      Use energy saving
            ◆   The number of disasters increased compared to the      Global warming           light bulbs.
               numbers between the 1980s and 1990s.                                         Plant trees and stop
                                                                    (1) ................................
            ◆   The number of affected people from disasters is more                         destroying forests.
               in the 2000s than in the 1980s and 1990s.               Water shortage /        Use less water
            ◆   The same number of people lost their lives in the      Global warming          in the shower.
               1990s and the 2000s, but the number of deaths is      Air pollution / Global
               the most in the 1980s.                                warming / Fossil fuel   (2) ................................

            ◆   Natural  disasters  in  the  2000s  caused  the  most     depletion
               economic loss in the world.
                                                                  Look at the table. Find the appropriate option to
            ◆   2000 natural disasters happened in the 1990s in the
               world.                                             complete the gaps in the table.
            It is clear from the results of the research that .... .             1                    2

            A)  more than 2000 disasters occurred in the 1980s in   A)    Overpopulation /    Use less heat and
               the world                                                Wildlife conservation  air conditioning.
            B)  less people died because of disasters in the 1990s   B)    Deforestation / Global   Walk or bike more
               and the 2000s                                            warming / Ecosystem   and drive less.
            C)  the  economic  loss  in  the  1980s  and  the  1990s  is   destruction
               more than in the 2000s                              C)    Global warming /     Unplug the TV when
                                                                        Air pollution         not in use.
            D)  there were less affected people from disasters in the   D)    Biological pollutants    Use recyclable
               2000s in the world

        14. These lists below are about some disasters that are nature based and human based.

                             Natural Cause                                   Because of Human being
                    Avalanche       Tsunami                            Global warming      Pollution

                    Earthquake       Flood                             Forest fire            Deforestation
                    Tornado           Volcanic eruption                Poverty         Bombing
                    Hurricane      Drought                             War          Crime

            The lists above tell us that .................................................. .

            A)  the rising of the average temperature on Earth is the result of human activities
            B)  if an area doesn’t have enough rainfall for a long period of time, it isn’t based on nature
            C)  the number of disasters based on humans is less than those based on nature
            D)  the destruction of a large number of trees in an area isn’t a result of human activities

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