Page 171 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 171

UNIT 10: NATURAL FORCES                                                         TEST  3

          8.  Caroline:  Wow! This place is great for a picnic, isn’t it?   10.
                                                                             Disaster authorities in Indonesia
             Mandy: Absolutely, it is. I love here.                          have reported further deaths and
             Caroline: But, there is a great danger to the forests.          damage as a result of heavy rain currently
             People are cutting down thousands and thousands of      affecting wide areas of the country. Heavy rain has
             trees to build more houses.                             recently caused ......... in at least 4 provinces of the
                                                                     country and West Java is one of them. As many as
             Mandy: I’m afraid you are right. Nowadays, forest fires   115,000 people have been affected by this disaster in
             are also increasing in many parts of the world.         Bandung Regency in West Java.

             Caroline: What else do you think will be a danger to the
             Mandy: Well, I think water pollution will be a great
             problem  in  the  future  because  people  throw  rubbish
             from their towns and cities into the oceans. They also   According to the news, which of the following natural
             pour chemicals from factories into the rivers, lakes and   disasters completes the blank?
             seas. Water pollution kills millions of fish and other water
             animals and plants. What do you think? What will be a   A) landslide           B) avalanche
             danger in the future?                                 C) flooding              D) drought

             Caroline: I guess climate change will be a great danger.
             More floods and droughts are occurring now than before.
             I’m afraid it will be worse in the future.
             According to the dialogue above, ................... .

             A)  destroying trees and forest fires are the dangers for
                the forests according to Caroline

             B)  Mandy talks about how to prevent the results of water
                pollution and destruction of forests
             C)  they share their opinions about the possible problems
                of the Earth in the future                      11.      Destructive Effects of Natural Disasters
             D)  both  of  them  propose  solutions  about  the  most      Avalanche  Volcano    Flood
                dangerous problems of the Earth in the future                          2%
                                                                   Hurricane        9%       17%           Tornado


                                                                   According to the chart above, which of the options
                                                                   is correct?

                                                                   A)  Tornadoes  and  volcanoes  give  harm  to  the
          9.  If you want to save the Earth, you can ........ .       environment more than earthquakes and hurricanes.
             Complete the gap with the appropriate option.         B)  Flood is the second natural disaster that has the most
                                                                      destructive effect.
             A)  use non - toxic cleaning materials
                                                                   C)  Avalanches and tornadoes damage people and the
             B)  prefer eating fast food to organic one               environment more than the others.
             C)  use more air and heat conditioning                D)  Earthquake  is  the  one  with  the  most  destructive
             D)  drive more instead of walking or cycling             effect among the other natural disasters.

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