Page 170 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 170

TEST  3                                                         UNIT 10: NATURAL FORCES

        5.  Debra: You know that there are different types of natural   7.   What are your predictions of the future of the world?
            disasters occuring in the world. ..................................... ?
            Zeynep: Earthquake and forest fire. To me, the worst                    I think biological pollutants will be
            natural disaster is earthquake.                                         a serious problem in the future.
                                                                                   Today, people are at risk from many
            Debra: ..................................................................... ?   biological pollutants. They can   Becky
            Zeynep: Deaths, injuries and damage.                                   have an adverse effect on people's
                                                                                     health, causing sickness and
            Debra: Oh, that’s really horrible. .......................... ?                serious harm.

            Zeynep: They often have psychological problems.
            Which of the following questions does not Debra ask
            Zeynep?                                                                Global  warming  will  be  a  great
                                                                                   danger in the future I think. Climates
            A)  What kind of problems do people often have after the               are  changing.  The  glaciers  are
               earthquake                                                          melting  and  sea  levels  are  rising   Matt
                                                                                   because  of  the  global  warming.
            B)  How can we help the victims of an earthquake                       However, global warming is having
                                                                                   a dramatic effect on animals.
            C)  What  are  two  possible  natural  disasters  in  your
            D)  What usually happens after an earthquake
                                                                                    I believe destructive floods will
                                                                                    affect the future of the Earth
                                                                                    in a bad way. One of the main
                                                                                    reasons of destructive floods is   Tom
                                                                                    deforestation and unfortunately,
                                                                                    people cut down trees and destroy
        6.                                                                          forests.

                                                                                   I think the most threatening one is
                 The  hurricane  struck  the  North  Carolina                      pollution because there will be a risk
                 coast at 5 pm on Tuesday afternoon and                            of cholera epidemic in the world as a
                 lasted for ten hours. Winds reached speeds                        result of pollution. We all know that   Sue
                 at 220 km/h. Luckily, people left their homes                     many  human  activities  pollute  our
                                                                                   environment, adversely affecting the
                 before the hurricane arrived, and nobody                          water we drink, the air we breathe,
                 lost their life. However, flying metal and glass                  and the soil in which we grow food.
                 injured  about  fifteen  people.  Emergency
                 services  rescued  over  76  people  from
                 boats near the coast, and charities quickly      Read the students’ predictions about the future of
                 sent food and tents to help people without       the Earth. What can we say according to their future
                 homes. The hurricane destroyed hundreds          predictions?
                 of buildings and damaged the crops in the
                 fields around the town.                          A)  Global warming will have negative impacts both on
                                                                     climates and animals in the future.
                                                                  B)  Human health won’t affect from the major types of

            In this news report, there is no information about       pollution in the future.
            ......................... .                           C)  In  the  future,  biological  pollutants  will  cause  some

            A)  the time and place of the hurricane                  diseases, but not important.
            B)  the number of injured people                      D)  The destruction of the forests won’t be a threatening
            C)  the damage caused by the hurricane                   problem to occur destructive floods.
            D)  the category of the hurricane

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