Page 17 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 17

UNIT 1: FRIENDSHIP                                                              TEST  4

          1.  A group of friends are talking about their school party.  Answer the questions (3 - 4) according to the table below.

                        I think 5 p.m. is very early to start
                        the party.

                        I don’t have anything to do for next
                Steve                                                                      2020
                        Saturday. So, I’ll definitely join the party.                      Weekly Plan

                        In my view, Central Park is the best
                Paige                                                     DAYS          ACTIVITIES
                        place for the party.
                                                                        Monday       Have tennis training
                                                                        Tuesday      Study for the maths exam
                Miley   I’m not going to attend the party because
                        the ticket is too expensive for me.              Wednesday   Help dad with the gardening
                                                                        Thursday     Prepare the science project
             Who is talking about the location of the party?            Friday       Go to a rock concert

             A) Candy     B) Steve     C) Paige    D) Miley             Saturday     Go on a picnic with family
                                                                        Sunday       Visit grandparents

          2.  Mrs. Smith asks her students to prepare an invitation
             card including information about the place, time and type
             of the event.
                                                                3.  According to the table above, Stefanie is going to
             Which of the following invitation cards includes all   ......... .
             the information Mrs. Smith asked for?
                                                                   A)  attend a music event two days after the maths exam
             A)                       B)
                 Dear Julia,              Dear Mike,               B)  have  an  outdoor  activity  before  she  visits  her
                 We are going to          We’re organizing a          grandparents
                 have a slumber           tennis tournament        C)  prepare her science project after the picnic
                 party at my house        at Highland Sports       D)  do an outdoor chore before her tennis training
                 next Friday. Why         Complex at 3 p.m.
                 don’t you join us?       on Tuesday. Would
                 It will be so fun!       you like to join?

                 Cynthia                  David
                                                                4.  Which option is not correct according to Stefanie’s
             C)                       D)                           weekly plan?
                 Dear Emma,               Dear Tony,

                 I have one more          I’m having a game        A)  She is going to spend two days of the week doing
                 ticket for a rock        night at my house.          schoolwork.
                 concert. It is           It’ll be great if you    B)  She is going to be busy with the gardening before the
                 at 9 p.m. next           join us.                    science project.
                 Saturday. Shall we       P.S: You can bring       C)  She is going to spend her weekend with her family
                 go together?             a friend with you.          members.
                 Kaitlyn                  Riley                    D)  She is going to do outdoor activities with her family
                                                                      all the week.

                                                                                             Grade 8 English   17
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