Page 169 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 169

UNIT 10: NATURAL FORCES                                                         TEST  3

          1.    Tracey                                          3.  Charles: What are you reading, Noah?
              Air pollution is the release of harmful gases into the   Noah:  I’m  reading  an  article  about  environmental
              atmosphere. In this way, the air becomes dirty and   problems. According to the article, nearly 60% of the
              threatens people’s health.                           Amazon Forests will disappear by 2030.

                 Dylan                                             Charles: Oh, that’s too bad. Why will it happen?
                                                                   Noah:  Because  people  cut  down  thousands  and
              Global warming is the increase in the temperature of   thousands of trees in this area. Moreover, climate change
              the Earth's atmosphere. It also changes the Earth's   of global warming also has some negative effects on
              climate.                                             these forests. If the Amazon Forests disappear, it will be

                Britney                                            the end of the Earth.

              Water pollution is the contamination of water such as   Charles: What do you mean?
              lakes, rivers and oceans by human activities. In many   Noah: These trees produce oxygen we need and absorb
              countries, it is the leading cause of death.         a lot of carbon dioxide from the air. There won’t be a life
                                                                   without photosynthesis. We should take the necessary
                 Brian                                             precautions individually to make our planet a better place

              Deforestation  is  cleaning  the  Earth's  forests  and   both for us and the upcoming generations.
              damaging to the quality of the land. In this way, the   Charles: I think you’re right because this world is our
              habitats for millions of species are lost.           home and we’re responsible for saving it.

                                                                   Which of the following expressions exists in the
             What cannot be said according to the information      dialogue above?
                                                                   A)  Photosynthesis is a very important process only for
             A)  They  all  describe  some  natural  disasters  and  talk   trees because they can’t live without it.
                about the results of these disasters.              B)  The Amazon Forests don’t affect the global warming,
             B)  Climates  are  changing  and  the  world’s  average    but they reduce the bad effects of climate change.
                temperature is rising because of global warming.
                                                                   C)  The  Amazon  Forests  are  at  risk  of  disappearing
             C)  The destruction of the forests causes to disappear   because of human activities and the climate change.
                the habitats of many animals.
                                                                   D)  People protect the Amazon Forests because these
             D)  Increasing the rate of harmful gases into the air is a   forests release excess oxygen into the air.
                more threatening problem than the others.
          2.   News  reporter: This is the midday news from

              Oklahoma City. A massive tornado hit the suburbs
              of the city. It reached 320 kilometers per hour. Three
              local hospitals treated 413 people including nearly 79
              children. Officials say at least 34 people died, eleven
              of them were children. Now the details.

             We can understand from the news that .... .        4.  Hello, my name is Samantha. I think I’m an eco - friendly
                                                                   person. In my daily life, I walk or cycle to school, use less
             A)  the disaster caused just a big economic damage in
                the city                                           water in the shower, prefer recyclable products, turn off
                                                                   the lights while leaving my room and use both sides of a
             B)  413 people got injured and more than 34 people died   piece of paper.
                in the disaster
                                                                   According to the text above, Samantha doesn’t take
             C)  the  tornado  was  very  strong  and  it  moved  at  least
                320 km/h                                           any precautions about ..... .
             D)  at least 23 children died and 2 children got injured in   A) air pollution       B) energy saving
                the disaster                                       C) global warming        D) famine

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