Page 168 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 168

TEST  2                                                         UNIT 10: NATURAL FORCES

        14.                                                    16. Nathan and Linda have different opinions about which
                               Welcome to the eleven o'clock      possible problems of the Planet Earth will be the most
                                 news. This is Benjamin Gates.    important. Here is some information about their thoughts
                                 We  are  bringing  you  the      on these problems:
                                  news around the world. Here
                                  are some highlights: An                           Nathan            Linda
                                  earthquake on the Pacific        The name of     air pollution  water shortage
                                  coast of Mexico shook the         the problem
                                  capital. Many frightened                        driving more,   wasting too much
                                  people run into the streets.     The causes of   burning fossil   water, polluting the
                                  The  quake  occurred  at  a       the problem       fuels       water sources
                                 depth of 23 kilometers. The       The results of   lung disease,   droughts and
                               magnitude of the earthquake          the problem   heart disease      famine
              was 6.4 on the Richter scale according to the National                             educating people
              Earthquake Information Center. There are no reports of              using public   on saving water,
              injuries or damage. Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans   His / Her   transportation,   keeping the
              and caused a lot of damage. The hurricane left a large   suggestions  using renewable   world’s water
              part of the city flooded. Katrina's wind speed was 220             energy sources   sources clean
              kilometres per hour. There was a lot of damage to the
              city, but the worst effect of the hurricane was flooding.   We can understand from the information that ...... .
              Because of the storm, huge amounts of water rushed
              into the city. As a result of this flooding, thousands of   A)  they both make suggests to keep the water and air
              people lost their homes.
                                                                  B)  Linda thinks water shortage will cause two important
            According to the news, ..................................... .
                                                                  C)  Nathan finds air pollution less important than water
            Which option is not appropriate to fill in the blank?    shortage
            A)  the  earthquake  took  place  on  the  Pacific  coast  of   D)  they have similar solutions for the future problems of
               Mexico                                                the world
            B)  the worst effect of the disaster in New Orleans was
            C)  the  newsreader  is  reporting  the  damage  from  the            NATURAL FORCES
               flooded area                                                Reasons               Results
            D)  many people injuried and lost their homes because      Destroying forests        Erosion
               of the earthquake
                                                                      Burning fossil fuels      Air pollution
                                                                         Deforestation       Destructive floods
        15. A large number of animals and plants disappear forever      Global warming           Drought
            because ....................... .
            Choose the best option to complete the sentence.      The chart above tells that ...... .

            A)  people  destroy  nature  and  pollute  water  sources   A)  if  people  cut  down  trees,  there  will  be  destructive
               irresponsibly                                         floods and erosion
            B)  we  make  campaigns  to  expand  awareness  about   B)  people won’t have water shortage because there will
               saving the environment                                be a lot of rain
            C)  people should be educated about the efficient use of   C)  both  global  warming  and  burning  fossil  fuels  will
               resources                                             cause air pollution rising
            D)  poisons  from  cars  and  factories  pollute  the  air  we   D)  planting trees won’t slow down the speed of flood in
               breathe                                               the future

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