Page 167 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 167

UNIT 10: NATURAL FORCES                                                         TEST  2

          9.                                                    12.
               1.  The flames swept through the dry forest,
                 destroying thousands of hectares of trees.

               2.  It is an extended period of unusually dry weather
                 when there is not enough rain.

             Read and find out what natural disasters they are.

             A)  1 - Drought, 2 - Earthquake
             B)  1 - Forest fire, 2 - Drought
             C)  1 - Tsunami, 2 - Flood                               A drought occurs when an area doesn't have enough
                                                                      rain for a long period of time. According to some
             D)  1 - Lightning, 2 - Avalanche                         researches,  it  will  be  one  of  the  possible  natural
                                                                      disasters in the future. Without water crops die, forest
                                                                      fires occur more often, and the living may die. A few
                                                                      months without enough rainfall can turn a forest into
                                                                      a desert. This means that water is a source of life
          10. Earthquakes are one of the most deadly natural disasters   for all living beings. So, we should use the water
             in the world. During an earthquake, ........ .           more efficiently and stop wasting our water sources.
                                                                      We should also educate people about saving water.
             Fill in the blank with the suitable option.              We shouldn't pollute the rivers, lakes and seas. To
                                                                      preserve and protect human life in the future, we
             A)  use the elevators to get out of the buildings        should take the necessary precautions as soon as
             B)  stop as quickly as possible if you’re in a vehicle   possible and do the best. Don't forget that water is life!
             C)  stay under or near buildings or trees if you are outside
             D)  try to go out immediately if you are inside       Which of the following statements accurately reflects
                                                                   the content of the text above?
                                                                   A)  Water  scarcity  can  lead  to  increased  forest  growth
                                                                      and biodiversity.
          11.  You  see  the  information  about  the  number  of  deaths   B)  Droughts can have devastating effects on agriculture
             because of the natural disasters in Turkey between 1900   and ecosystems.
             and 2018 below.                                       C)  Forest fires are less likely to occur during periods of
                   128             36             95544            D)  The main cause of droughts is excessive rainfall in a
                Avalanche       Landslide       Earthquake            short period of time.

                           232              41                  13.
                          Flood         Forest fire                ◆   We should recycle plastic, paper, glass and metal
             Which  of  the  following  is  false according to the   ◆   We should walk or ride our bike more, but drive less.
             information above?
                                                                   ◆   We should unplug the electronic devices when we
             A)  More people lost their lives in the floods compared to   don’t use them.
                the avalanches and landslides in Turkey.           ◆   We should use both sides of a piece of paper.
             B)  Earthquakes caused the most deaths in Turkey, but   These suggestions above are not related to ...... .
                landslides killed the least number of people.
                                                                   A)  what to do against possible disasters
             C)  Floods became the second deadliest natural disaster
                and most deaths occurred in the earthquakes.       B)  how we care about the environment
             D)  Two disasters with the least loss of life in Turkey were   C)  some ways to protect the environment
                forest fires and avalanches in those years.        D)  the things we can do to be eco - friendly

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