Page 165 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 165

UNIT 10: NATURAL FORCES                                                         TEST  2

          1.  Alice: What are your predictions about the future of the   3.
             world, Benjamin?                                                   S   ave Our Water Sources,
             Benjamin: I think global warming will be a great danger               ave Our Future!
             in the future.                                                 Water is the most important source
             Alice: Why do you think so?                                    of our life, but unfortunately it is
             Benjamin: In the world, there is a very fast climate           decreasing day by day. According
             change because of the global warming. There are more           to some current statistics, there will
                                                                            be a water shortage
             floods and droughts in different parts of the world now        in the future because
             than before. The glaciers are melting, too. In the future,     ........... .
             climate change will be a very serious threat. As a result of
             this, some animal and plant species will become extinct.
                                                                   Which option completes the blank correctly?
             We can understand from the conversation above that
             .......... .                                          A)  there is not enough rainfall and we waste too much
             A)  the  number  of  floods  and  droughts  in  the  world  is   B)  we use the water more efficiently and never pollute
                increasing day by day                                 our water resources
             B)  global warming will threat only humanity because the   C)  we  should  make  programs  to  educate  people  on
                climate changes badly
                                                                      saving water before it’s too late
             C)  the  climate  is  changing,  but  the  living  beings  can
                adapt to new weather conditions easily             D)  we  take  the  necessary  measures  to  protect  the
                                                                      human life in the future
             D)  the  Earth’s  climate  is  not  the  same  as  in  the  past
                because the planet is cooling down

                         To Save our PlaneT                     4.  The  information  below  is  about  the  economic  loss
               Tom: I use energy saving light lamps and turn off the   because  of  natural  disasters  in  Asia  from  1900  to
               water while I'm brushing my teeth.                  present.

               Sam: I drive to work and anywhere I can, and I open
               the window to be cooler when the air conditioner is on.   Earthquake    Drought         Tsunami
                                                                      314 Billions    34 Billions     223 Billions
               Sue: I usually participate in tree planting and green     US$            US$              US$
               conservation campaigns and also recycle my trash.

               Tim: I use paper bags instead of plastic ones when I
               go shopping and always print my homework double               167 Billions     359 Billions
               - sided.                                                         US$              US$
                                                                              Hurricane          Flood

                                                                   According to the information above, we say that ..... .

                                                                   A)  earthquakes caused more economic loss than floods
                                                                      in the last 122 years
                                                                   B)  the  economic  loss  of  tsunamis  is  less  than  the
                                                                      economic loss of hurricanes
                                                                   C)  the  cost  of  droughts  is  as  many  as  the  costs  of
             According to the information above, who is not an        earthquakes and floods
             eco - friendly person?
                                                                   D)  floods caused the most economic loss compared to
             A) Sue       B) Tim      C) Sam        D) Tom            the other disasters

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