Page 164 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 164

TEST  1                                                         UNIT 10: NATURAL FORCES

        12. Nicholas: Tell me, Louis. What are your predictions about   14. Hello.  I’m  Sue.  I  pay  attention  to  the  environment  as
            the future of the world?                              much as I can because everything in the world is getting
                                                                  worse  day  by  day.  I  think  there  will  be  more  natural
            Louis: I think global warming will be a big threatening
            problem in the future.                                disasters in the future than now. One of these disasters
                                                                  will probably be destructive floods because deforestation
            Nicholas: Why do you think so?                        causes  them.  You  know  that  forests  slow  down  the

            Louis: ............. So, climate change will be a very serious   speed of flood. To save the future of the earth, ....... .
            threat in the future.                                 Choose the suitable option to fill in the blank.

            Complete the dialogue with the suitable option.       A)  we should cut down more trees to get large areas
            A)  There are more floods and droughts now than before.   B)  we shouldn’t pour our waste into the seas, lakes and
            B)  People use less water and prefer recyclable products.  rivers
            C)  Some  natural  disasters  cause  more  damage  than   C)  we should plant more trees and protect the forests
               others.                                            D)  we shouldn’t make campaigns about the importance
            D)  I think we should take necessary measures to stop it.  of protecting nature

                                                                    Good evening, viewers. This is James Gardner. I’m
                                                                    bringing  you  the  news  around  the  country.  Here
                                                                    are  some  highlights.  Hurricane  Katrina  hit  New
                                                                    Orleans. Katrina’s wind speed was 220 kilometres
                                                                    per  hour.  Because  of  the  storm,  huge  amounts
        13.          Leading Disasters in the World                 of water rushed into the city and caused a lot of
                                                                    damage.  Thousands  of  people  lost  their  homes.
                                          Cost ($  Number of        A  massive  tornado  hit  the  suburbs  of  Oklahoma
             Country  Disaster(s)  Year
                                          billion)  Deaths          City.  It  reached  320  kilometers  per  hour.  Four
                                                                    local hospitals treated 198 people including nearly
             Turkey   Earthquake  1999      30      17480
                                                                    56 children. Officials say at least 31 people died,
                      Hurricane,                                    eleven of them were children.
             The USA              2005     144      1322
              China   Earthquake  2008      89     84000

              Chili               2010      31       520
              Japan                2011    210      15840

            According to the chart above, which of the following
            option is correct?                                    Which option is correct according to the news?
            A)  The  same  natural  disaster  hit  Turkey  and  China  in   A)  The hurricane affected thousands of people living in
               different years, but more people died in Turkey.      New Orleans and it killed 11 children.
            B)  The  natural  disasters  that  occurred  in  the  USA  in   B)  The news reader talks about the reports of injuries
               2005 caused more than 144 billion dollar’s worth of   and deaths caused by the tornado.
               damage.                                            C)  The wind speed of the hurricane in New Orleans was
            C)  Less  people  lost  their  lives  because  of  the  same   more than the wind speed of the tornado in Oklahoma
               natural disasters in Japan compared to Chili.         City.
            D)  The  natural  disasters  in  Japan  caused  the  most   D)  Those  disasters  happened  in  different  cities  and
               economic loss in all of those.                        there were many deaths because of them.

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