Page 161 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 161

UNIT 10: NATURAL FORCES                                                         TEST  1

          1.  Every winter, you can see a large amount of landslide in       Answer the questions 4 and 5
             the Black Sea Region of our country.
                                                                            according to the dialogue below.
             Which  picture  shows  the  underlined  word  in  the
             sentence?                                          Canan: The earthquake took place on 17  August, 1999 was
             A)                       B)                        one of the most damaging events in the history of Turkish
                                                                Arianna: ........................................?
                                                                Canan: It was 7.5 according to the Richter scale.

             C)                       D)                        Arianna: Wow, ........................................?
                                                                Canan: Yes. Approximately 18,000 people died and 250,000
                                                                people lost their houses.
                                                                Arianna: Oh my Gosh! That’s so sad. .............................?

                                                                Canan: It was in the Marmara Region of Turkey, the most
                                                                crowded region of Turkey.

          2.  Anthony: I predict we won’t have water shortages in the
             future.                                            4.  Which question about the place of the disaster did
             Mark: ................. People use too much water carelessly.   Arianna ask?
             They should give up wasting it. If not, water shortages   A)  How many people died of the disaster?
             are certain.                                          B)  In which region of Turkey did it occur?
             Which of the following option completes the dialogue   C)  What was the magnitude of the disaster?
             correctly?                                            D)  Were a lot of people affected of this earthquake?
             A) I don’t think so.       B) I think so.
             C) I think you’re right.     D) I agree with you.

                                                                5.  Which information is not mentioned in the dialogue?
                                                                   A)  The region of Turkey the disaster occured
                                                                   B)  The number of the deaths because of the earthquake
                                                                   C)  The amount of the economical loss
               In 1816, a volcanic eruption happened in Indonesia.  D)  The date of the disaster
               Mount Tambora erupted. 92.000 people died. The
               ash of volcano has reduced the temperature and
               caused snow in June, in England. That year is known
               as the year “without a summer.” Volcanic Eruption of   6.            If  we  don’t  take  some  necessary
               Mount Tambora in 1816 is considered as the largest                   precautions  for  global  warming,
               eruption in recorded history.                                        ................... in the future.

             Which of the following questions does not have an     Which option is suitable for the blank according to
             answer in the text above?                             the picture above?

             A)  When did Mount Tambora erupt?                     A)  we will have serious droughts
             B)  How many people died in the eruption?             B)  there won’t be a water shortage
             C)  What did the eruption cause?                      C)  we will have a problem about floods
             D)  What did people do after the eruption?            D)  there will be a lot of rain

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