Page 160 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 160

TEST  4                                                                  UNIT 9: SCIENCE

                   Answer the questions 12, 13 and 14          14. Which question is not answered in the text?
                   according to the paragraph below.              A)  When and where did he die?
                                                                  B)  What is he called all around the world?
                                                                  C)  What is the reason of his death?
                                                                  D)  How old was he when he became a professor?
                                  Prof. Dr. Oktay Sinanoğlu
                                  was born in 1935 in Italy
                                  where  his  father  was
                                  a  consular  official.  He
                                  became  the  youngest        15. Rebecca prepared a poster about “What are scientists
                                  professor  in  the  world       working on today?” for her science homework last week.
                                  when he was at the age          She sticked a picture under each of her sentences. Here
                                  of 28. He was known as          is her poster:
                                  “The  Turkish  Einstein”
                                  because  according  to                         ..................................
                                  some authorities, he was
                 "THE TURKISH     as intelligent as Einstein.

                   EINSTEIN"      He developed a theory of
                    OKTAY         the  electronic  structure
                  SİNANOĞLU       of  molecules.  He  had
                                  some studies on Turkish
                                  language,  too.  He  was                       ..................................
                                  a  scientist,  a  chemist,  a
                                  molecular, a biophysicist
                                  and a biochemist. He died
                                  in 2015 in the USA.


        12. In  the  paragraph  above,  there  is  no  information
            about Oktay Sinanoğlu’s ....... .

            A) profession            B) education
            C) birth date            D) studies

                                                                  Which of the following is not an appropriate sentence
                                                                  for her poster according to the pictures?

                                                                  A)  They  are  working  on  building  new  spaceships  for
        13. Oktay Sinanoğlu was called “The Turkish Einstein”
            because ........ .                                       human beings to live on another planets in the future.
                                                                  B)  They  are  working  on  exploring  Mars  to  find  the
            A)  they were interested in the same field of science    evidence of water or any other living organism.
            B)  he had a high IQ level like Einstein              C)  They are trying to find a useful vaccine against an
            C)  they both made many contributions to the world of    epidemic and deathful disease called COVID - 19.
               science                                            D)  They  are  trying  to  improve  cars  without  drivers  to
            D)  he was the most intelligent person with the highest IQ  reduce car accidents and make transportation easier.

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