Page 159 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 159

UNIT 9: SCIENCE                                                                TEST  4

          8.                                                    10. Frank: Have you ever heard about Galileo?
               Hello, science worms! My name is Luke. I always
               follow  scientific  achievements  on  the  Internet   Mike: Yes. He made the telescope better, so he is called
               and  read  science  magazines.  I  think  scientific   “the Father of the Astronomy”.
               achievements  of  the  past  century  changed  the   Frank: Absolutely right. Also, he ................. . He made
               world. For example, .......... .                    many contributions to the world of astronomy.

                                                                   Which of the following expressions is appropriate to
             Which one is not suitable to fill in the blank?       complete the gap?

             A)  Graham  Bell  invented  the  first  practical  telephone,   A)  worked more at physics than at astronomy and did
                and  now  scientists  are  working  on  3D  holographic   research into gravity and speed
                phones                                             B)  conducted many experiments and developed many
             B)  Isaac  Newton  discovered  the  gravity  of  the  matter,   scientific theories when he was still alive
                and now scientists are exploring the solar gravity  C)  discovered the four large moons around Jupiter and
             C)  Karl Benz built the world’s first practical automobile,   the phases of the planet Venus with his telescope
                and now scientists are trying to improve cars without
                drivers                                            D)  continued to write about physics and other topics, but
             D)  scientists are working on exploring the planets like   not astronomy when he was under house arrest
                Mars to find suitable places humans will live on

                                                                11.  Read the questions that Jason asked Katie.

          9.                                                       Jason: In your view, what is the most important invention
                I’m sure that many people know both Nicola Tesla   of the last century?
                and Mark Twain. Nicola Tesla is one of the most    Katı̇ e: ...............................................
                influential  scientists  in  the  world.  He  invented
                many important things. Mark Twain is considered    Jason: Why do you think so?
                one  of  the  most  famous  writers  in  history.  Do   Katı̇ e: ...............................................
                you know they met in New York in the 1880s?        Jason: Do you know who invented it?
                They talked about their opinions when they were
                together. They had a good relationship and spent a   Katı̇ e: ...............................................
                lot of time together. Tesla enjoyed reading Twain’s   Which  of  the  following  cannot  be  one  of  Katie’s
                books and Twain respected Tesla’s scientific work.   answers?

                                                                   A)  Computer  scientists,  Vinton  Cerf  and  Robert  Kahn
             According to the text above, Nicola Tesla and Mark       were invented it.
             Twain .... .
                                                                   B)  It provides a wide variety of opportunitius to us in our
             A)  were good friends and shared their ideas with each   daily life.
                                                                   C)  Internet makes our lives much easier, but it has some
             B)  wanted to become very popular in the world           disadvantages.
             C)  were very successful at the same job              D)  Actually, there are many inventions, but I think it’s the
             D)  were interested in different fields of science       Internet.

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