Page 158 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 158

TEST  4                                                                  UNIT 9: SCIENCE

        4.                                                     6.
                                                                     Isaac  Newton,  an  English
                                                                     mathematician  and  physicist,
                                                                     is considered as the greatest
                                                                     scientist of all time. Among his
                                                                     many  discoveries,  the  most
                                                                     important one is probably his
                                                                     law of universal gravitation. In
            Which sentence related to the picture given above?       1664,  Newton  found  out  that
                                                                     gravity is the force and draws
            A)  The doctor is vaccinating the girl against the major   objects towards each other.
            B)  The doctor is looking for some bruises on her arm.
                                                                  According to the information above, we can say that
            C)  The doctor is conducting an experiment about animal   ..... .
            D)  The doctor is putting a chemical substance in the test   A)  Newton was interested in only one field of science
               tube.                                                 and he was a great physicist
                                                                  B)  Newton’s  law  of  universal  gravitation  is  more
                                                                     important than his other discoveries
                                                                  C)  Newton is one of the most popular scientists in the
                                                                     world with his studies on maths
                                                                  D)  Newton had only one discovery and he became the
                                                                     greatest scientist in the world thanks to it

                                                               7.   The French chemist and biologist Louis Pasteur
        5.  Sandra: I’m doing research about global warming on the   was born on December 27, 1822 in Dole, France.
            Internet now.                                           He went to college to become a science teacher.
            Joe: Is it a threat for us?                             He earned degrees in mathematics, physics, and
                                                                    chemistry in 1938. Then, he became a chemistry
            Sandra:  Yes,  certainly.  It  causes  big  threatening   professor at the University of Strasbourg. He is
                                                                    famous for his germ theory and for the development
            Joe: Oh, really? What are they?                         of  vaccines.  He  made  major  contributions  to
                                                                    chemistry, medicine, and industry. His discoveries
            Sandra: One of them is climate change. There are more
            natural disasters in different parts of the world. Glaciers            led  to  an  understanding  of
            are melting and sea levels are rising. All living beings are           microbes  and  diseases  that
            under a great risk.                                                    has helped to save millions and
                                                                                   millions  of  lives.  He  died  on
            According to the dialogue above, which option is                       September 28, 1895 in Marnes
            correct?                                                               -  la  -  Coquette,  France  from  a

            A)  Joe is collecting information about a serious problem              stroke.
               for people.                                        In the text above, there is no information about the
            B)  They are preparing a project about global warming   ........ .
                                                                  A)  birth date and birthplace of Louis Pasteur
            C)  Sandra  is  telling  Joe  about  the  results  of  global
               warming.                                           B)  education life and achievements of Louis Pasteur
            D)  Joe is not interested in environmental  problems such   C)  occupation and discoveries of Louis Pasteur
               as global warming.                                 D)  childhood and old ages of Louis Pasteur

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