Page 157 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 157

UNIT 9: SCIENCE                                                                TEST  4

          1.                                                    2.              Thomas Edison is one of the most important

                 What's the most important scientific                         scientists  in  history.  He  had  over  1,000
                         achievement for you?                                 patents.  He  developed  a  wide  range  of
                                                                              products from the electric light bulb to the
                                                                              phonograph and motion picture camera.
                                   I think the invention of the
                                 Internet is the most important                  Galileo  made  many  contributions  to
                   Matt          scientific achievement. With the              the  field  of  astronomy.  He  developed  a
                                 help of the Internet, people can              powerful telescope and had revolutionary
                                  get every kind of information                theories about the nature of the world. He
                                        very quickly.
                                                                               also developed an improved compass.

                  To me, the most important                                      The Wright Brothers successfully designed,
                   scientific achievement is                                   built and flew the first powered aircraft.
                  the invention of tyre. People   Patricia                     They showed that people could fly. Their
                 could travel easily throughout                                aircraft  was  one  of  the  most  important
                     history thanks to it.                                     inventions of the twentieth century.

                                                                   We can understand from the information above that
                                     I think the invention of      .............. .
                                   the telephone is the most       A)  all  of  these  scientists  worked  on  the  same
                 Danielle           important one. With the           technological device
                                 telephone, people can keep in
                                  touch with each other easily.    B)  they invented or developed things in different fields
                                                                      of science
                                                                   C)  Galileo  developed  more  things  during  his  life  than
                                                                      Thomas Edison
                  In my view, the discovery
                   of water on Mars is the                         D)  they didn’t invent anything, but they developed other
                   most important scientific     Thomas               scientists’ inventions
                achievement. It shows that life
                 is possible on another planet.

             According to the information above, which of the   3.  The cell is the basic unit of life. (I) All living things have
             following cannot be correct?
                                                                   cells, but cells are extremely tiny, and can only be seen
             A)  All of them talk about different scientific achievements   in a microscope. (II) Some organisms are made up of a
                and give explanations for their thoughts.          single cell while others are made up of trillions of cells.
                                                                   (III) The word cell comes from the Latin word cellula,
             B)  The tyre improved transportation and the telephone   which  means  small  compartment.  (IV)  For  example,
                provided people to connect easily throughout history.  bacteria  and  yeast  consist  of  only  one  cell,  but  the

             C)  Thomas thinks the discovery of water on Mars shows   average human body contains around 30 to 40 trillion
                that it is possible to live on another planet.     cells.

             D)  Both Patricia and Matt tell the scientific achievements   Which  sentence  disrupts  the  meaning  of  the
                that they are used for the same purpose.           paragraph above?
                                                                   A) I         B) II         C) III        D) IV

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