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P. 156

TEST  3                                                                  UNIT 9: SCIENCE


                                                 Stephen William Hawking was an English
                                  theoretical physicist and mathematician. He was born in Oxford, England
                           on January 8, 1942. He is one of the most famous scientists of modern times. Also, he was one of
                            the world's leading theoretical physicists. He came to Cambridge in 1962 as a PhD student. While he
                            was working on his PhD at Cambridge University, he began to have health issues. Doctors diagnosed
                            a disease called ALS when he was 21. Because of the illness, he could not move or talk. Despite his
                            challenging physical impairments, he contributed much to the fields of cosmology and quantum gravity.
                            He published many articles about these fields. He is also well known for his bestselling book "A Brief
                            History of Time". Some of the awards Hawking received for his work include the 1979 Albert Einstein
                              Medal, the Order of the British Empire (Commander) in 1982 and the 1988 Wolf Prize in Physics. He
                                was the director of research at the Center for Theoretical Cosmology and he worked on a subject
                                  called Black Hole Information Paradox before he died in March 14, 2018.

            According to the text above, we can say that .................. .

            A)  he didn’t continue to work on cosmology and quantum gravity after 1962 because of his illness called ALS
            B)  he was one of the most successful scientists of all times and he won many awards during his lifetime
            C)  he wrote many books on cosmology and mathematics, but only one of his books became very popular all over the
            D)  he decided to go on to Cambridge to research cosmology, but his disease didn’t let him to do that


                           1950s                            1960s                            1970s
                   1956 -  TV remote control        1964 -  Home kidney dialysis    1974 -  Barcodes on
                                                                                         supermarket products
                   1958 -  The ultrasonic image of    1969 -  Astronauts make the first
                        an unborn child                  steps on the Moon          1975 -  Birth of home computer

                           1980s                            1990s                            2000s
                                                    1991 -  The first Internet browser   2001 -  Scientists insert bionic
                   1981 -  CDs go on sale                                                 eyes into retinas of blind
                                                    1997 -  Dolly the sheep, first        men to restore their
                   1983 -  Synthetic human insulin       cloned animal from an            vision
                        for sale
                                                         adult cell                 2003 -  The first hybrid car

            Which of the following can be said according to the information in the visual above?

            A)  The scientific developments both in 1958 and 1964 are in the field of medicine.
            B)  Scientists did nothing to improve transportation and space travel since the 1950s.
            C)  There is no scientific developments about computer technology during the last fifty years.
            D)  The scientific developments in medicine are less than other fields of science in the forty - seven years.

         156     Grade 8 English
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