Page 153 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 153

UNIT 9: SCIENCE                                                                 TEST  3

          6.                 Louis  Pasteur  was  a  French     8.  Tom, Melinda and Jason talk about their school projects

                             microbiologist and chemist. He is     they will prepare.
                             best known as 'the father of germ
               theory' or 'the father of microbiology'. He is also    Tom: I will prepare a project on cancer. I want to
               known for his vaccinations, most notably the first     be a scientist and find a cure to kill all types of
               vaccine against rabies.                                cancer cells. A lot of people around the world die
                                                                      because of this disease.
                               Edward Jenner was an English
                               surgeon.  He  discovered  a
                               vaccination for smallpox. It is in
               fact, the world’s first vaccine. His ground - breaking   Melinda: My project will be about animals because
               work led to modern vaccinations and has saved          I like taking care of them. I want to learn about
               millions of lives.
                                                                      their  lifestyles  and  also  their  differences  and
             It is clear from the information above that .... .
             A)  they carried on a study for the same type of vaccine
             B)  both of them found a cure but for different diseases
             C)  they  made  contributions  to  the  field  of  molecular   Jason: I'm interested in astronomy, so my project
                biology                                               will be about space science. I always follow the
             D)  their birthplaces are different, but they had the same   news about this field. I find the idea of space travel
                                                                      really fantastic.

                                                                   Which of the following is not correct according to
                                                                   their speeches above?

                                                                   A)  All  of  them  will  do  research  on  different  fields  of
                                                                      science for their school projects.
                                                                   B)  Melinda  is  interested  in  animals  and  she  wants  to

          7.  Chloe:  Marie  Curie  worked  with  radioactive  materials   learn similar and different features of them.
             and discovered a new radioactive element: radium and it   C)  Tom  wants  to  discover  a  treatment  for  a  deathful
             brought her the Nobel Prize in 1903.                     disease in the future.
                                                                   D)  Jason  dreams  to  be  an  astronaut  and  travel  into
             Zachary:  Alexander  Fleming  discovered  penicillin  in
             1928. It was the first effective antibiotic that could be   space for new explorations.
             used to kill bacteria. He won the Nobel Prize for his work
             on penicillin in 1945.

             Audrey:  Dr.  Patricia  Bath  became  the  first  African  -
             American female doctor to receive a medical patent in
             1988. She invented the Laserphaco Probe, improving
             treatment for cataract patients.
             William:  Edward  Jenner  invented  the  vaccination  for
             smallpox in 1796. He left the world a better place than he   9.  Researchers are working on the ................. of the cancer.
             found it. He is also known as the “Father of Immunology”.  Sadly, they haven’t found it yet, but they have developed
                                                                   a treatment. This way can destroy the cancer cells and
             Who is talking about a scientific achievement in a
             different area of science according to the information   help patients.
             above?                                                Which one can we use to complete the blank?

             A) William   B) Audrey   C) Chloe   D) Zachary        A) cure   B) illness   C) explode   D) discovery

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