Page 152 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 152

TEST  3                                                                  UNIT 9: SCIENCE

        1.                                                     4.
                                                                       Albert Einstein is one of the most influential
                                                                       physicists  for  the  world  of  science.  He
                                                                       developed the special and general theories
                                                                       of  relativity.  He  won  the  Nobel  Prize  for
                                                                       physics in 1921 for his explanation of the
                                                                       photoelectric  effect.  ..........  There  are
                                                                       several  published  scientific  studies  that
                                                                       have  examined  Einstein’s  brain.  One  of
                                                                       them  says  Einstein’s  brain  had  fewer
            According to the picture above, the researchers are        neurons to glial cells than the normal brains.
            ....... .

            A)  searching on the Net for a science project        Find the suitable option for the blank in the text.
            B)  implanting a bionic eye in a person born blind
                                                                  A)  He tried to develop some important theories about
            C)  working on some fossils in the lab                   physics, but he couldn’t be successful.
            D)  conducting experiments on plants
                                                                  B)  Many people consider him to be one of the smartest
                                                                     people of the 20th century.
                                                                  C)  He had many discoveries as a scientist, but he wasn’t
                                                                     famous all around the world.
        2.  My mother is an archaeologist. She is ..................... at the   D)  His education was disrupted by his father’s repeated
            moment. I think she is very successful in her job.       failures at business.

            Choose the appropriate option for the blank.
            A)  conducting  an  experiment  on  some  plants  in  her
            B)  searching  on  the  Net  for  a  science  project  about
               chemical reactions                              5.   Alexander  Kendrick  won  the  2009  International
            C)  reading an article about archaeological investigation   Science  Fair  for  his  low - frequency  underground
               on the Net for her homework                          capable  radio  when  he  was  sixteen  years  old.
            D)  looking for some fossils in the excavation area     The underground device allows digital data to be
                                                                    successfully transmitted from deeper underground
                                                                    than ever before possible. The applied technology
                                                                    has  the  potential  to  improve  the  transmission  of
                                                                    scientific data that can be corrupted by humans and
        3.  The students are doing an experiment in  science class   in cases where underground rescues are needed.
            at the moment.                                          Cell phones and walkie - talkies don’t
            Which  of  the  following  pictures  is  related  to  the   work  underground,  but
            statement above?                                        Kendrick’s underground
                                                                    digital communication
            A)                       B)                             does.

                                                                  The text above gives us information about Alexander
                                                                  Kendrick’s .... .
            C)                       D)                           A)  scientific achievement

                                                                  B)  educational life at university
                                                                  C)  awards with his inventions
                                                                  D)  discoveries and inventions

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