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UNIT 9: SCIENCE                                                                 TEST  2

          12. Jane Wyatt is an English secondary school teacher. She   14. Inventors  created  very  important  devices  that  make
             did a survey in her class about what her students like   people’s life easier throughout history, but the invention
             doing on science. Here are the results:               of telephone is probably the most important one. Think
                                                                   about the history! ...................
              doing experiments in labs                            Fill in the blank with the suitable option.

                                     25%                           A)  It helped people to travel easily.
              reading science magazines                            B)  It improved navigation systems.
                                                                   C)  People could find their ways easily.
                                                                   D)  People could connect each other.
              visiting science museums

              watching science videos
              observing scientific actions                      15.
                                                                     •  Isaac Newton discovered the gravity of the matter,
                2%                                                    and now scientists are exploring the solar gravity.

              creating devices to make people's life easier          •  Alexander Graham Bell invented the first practical
                                                                      telephone, and now scientists are working on 3D
             According to the results, .... .                         holographic phones.
             A)  most of the students like inventing things more than   •  Karl Benz built the first automobile, and now some
                observing scientific actions                          scientists are working on flying cars. They predict
             B)  nearly  half  of  the  students  like  learning  something   they will show a model by the end of 2020.
                about science in the magazines
             C)  watching science videos is less popular than visiting   What cannot we say according to the information
                science museums among the students                 given above?
             D)  conducting experiments in labs is the second popular   A)  The  information  is  about  what  scientists  did  in  the
                activity for all the students
                                                                      past and what they’re doing on science now.
                                                                   B)  Scientists  try  to  develop  the  old  inventions  and
                                                                      technology is changing day by day thanks to them.
          13.                                                      C)  Scientists  are  just  working  on  communication  and
                 Lew  Hewitt  and  Dee  Horton  invented  the  first   transportation technologies nowadays.
                 sliding automatic door in the mid - 1950s. The two   D)  In today’s world, scientists are working on different
                 men saw that regular swing doors blew open in        technologies to invent new things.
                 the wind, so they developed a sliding door that

                 In  1903,  Mary  Anderson  invented  windsheild
                 wipers  to  improve  driver  vision  during  stormy
                 weather.                                       16. Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen was a German physicist. He
                                                                   .......... X - rays. He .......... the first Nobel Prize in Physics
             According to the information above, some inventions   in 1901. He also .......... some other important discoveries
             ..... .                                               in mechanics, heat and electricity. So, he is one of the

             A)  are the results of people’s needs                 greatest scientists in history.
             B)  have negative impacts on people                   Which word does not complete any of the blanks in
             C)  aren’t important for the future of humanity       the text above?
             D)  don’t make people’s life easier                   A) made    B) won   C) invented   D) discovered

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