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TEST  2                                                                  UNIT 9: SCIENCE

        7.                                                     10.   DATE          INVENTOR          INVENTION
               It is a device. It can be magnetic or electronic. It is
               used to determine the directions. It has a needle     1857          Elisha Otis         Elevator
               that  always  points  north.  Moreover  it’s  the  first   1877  Thomas Alva Edison   Phonograph
               version of navigation systems.                        1895      Guglielmo Marconi        Radio

                                                                     1926       John Logie Baird      Television
            Which picture shows the device that is mentioned in
            the text above?                                          1973   Vinton Cerf & Robert Kahn  Internet
            A)          B)          C)         D)                 Which  option  is  not  given  a  correct  information

                                                                  according to the chart above?
                                                                  A)  The inventions of phonograph and television are in
                                                                     the same century.
                                                                  B)  The  Internet  was  invented  after  the  radio  and  the
                                                                  C)  The first television and the Internet were invented in
                                                                     the 1900s.
        8.  Susan: You know that we have to find out the information   D)  All  of  the  inventions  in  the  chart  were  invented  by
            about the latest scientific achievements for our science   men inventors.
            homework until Friday. Why don’t we go to technology
            exhibition in the science museum?
            Kevin: That’s a great idea. ..............................
            Choose the best option to complete the dialogue.

            A)  We may do experiments and reach important results
               about our science homework.                     11.  Dylan  is  a  thirteen - year - old  middle  school  student.
            B)  We  don’t  like  talking  about  scientific  actions   Their science teacher gives them a science project to
               happening currently and in the past at all.        prepare and present it in the class every week. These
            C)  We can learn many things about today’s technological   are visuals from Dylan’s presentation for this week:
               developments in science there.
            D)  We can conduct some experiments to help scientific
               researchers about the chemistry.

                                                                  He is talking about what scientists are working on these
                                                                  Which of the following sentences does not match
                                                                  with one of the visuals above?
        9.  Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928. (I) Before   A)  Researchers found some new fossils, and now they
            penicillin, many people died because of small wounds     are working on them in the lab.
            of simple diseases. (II) People died because of wars,   B)  Astronomers  discovered  new  planets  in  the  Milky
            hunger and bad living conditions. (III) But after penicillin, a    Way, and now they are observing the sky throughout
            bacterical  infection  was  not  deathful.  (IV)  Now,  there   a telescope.
            are many different antibiotics and a cut or illness is less
            dangerous.                                            C)  Scientists discovered the evidence of water on Mars,
                                                                     and now they’re working on spaceports to build on
            Which sentence does not conform with the meaning         its surface.
            of the text above?
                                                                  D)  Scientists are trying to find a cure and kill all types of
            A) I         B) II        C) III         D) IV           cancer cells with new techniques.

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