Page 15 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 15

UNIT 1: FRIENDSHIP                                                              TEST  3

          10.                                                   12. The chart below shows the movie types Roadshow
                                                                   Secondary School students like.

                                                                             Adventure       45%
               Dear Gloria,
               Thank you so much for inviting me to your fancy
               dress party. Actually, I have some important work
               on that day, but I can't miss this chance. You know
               I love parties, especially fancy dress parties. So,         Thriller  25%
               I am going to make a new plan for my work. I'll
               definitely join the party, but I don't know exactly                    15%
               when and where the party is. Please text me the
               details of the party. Bye for now.                      Romance                 10%     Drama
                                                                                           5%         Animation

                                                                   We can understand from the results that .............. .
             What is the intention of Tina to write the email above?
                                                                   A)  nearly half of the students are interested in watching
             A)  Giving a reason for not accepting the invitation.    adventure movies
             B)  Refusing the invitation and apologizing to Gloria.  B)  only a small number of students go to cinemas to see
             C)  Getting more details about the party.                thrillers
             D)  Giving Gloria information about the party.        C)  many of the students prefer romances and dramas
                                                                      to adventures
                                                                   D)  animation is the most popular one among the students

               Hi, I'm Abigail. I have many friends in my class, but
               only one is a real friend for me. She never lies to me   13. Nathan: Hey mate! ................................. ?
               and always keeps my secrets. She will be there for
               me if I call on her. Also, she is nice to me all the time.   Timothy: Yes, I have a plan. I am going to go to a concert.
               I really like spending time with her because we have
               the same hobbies and interests. In our free time, we   Nathan: Really? ................................. ?
               usually ride a bike and go to rock concerts.        Timothy: A rock concert. By the way, why did you ask
                                                                   my plans?
                         Rosie    Gwen      Lizzie   Doris         Nathan: I am going to attend a costume party and I want
                         tactful   honest  reliable    fair        to go with you. ...................... ? I think you can change
               quality    and      and      and       and          your plan.
                         loyal   amusing    kind     helpful
                                                                   Timothy: No way! Enjoy the party. See you later.
              Favourite   playing   going  joining   listening
               activity  team     cycling   music   to music       Which question does not Nathan ask Timothy?
                         sports            events
                                                                   A)  What kind of a concert is it
             According to the information above, who is Abigail’s   B)  Would you like to join me
             best friend?                                          C)  Have you got any plans for the Friday night

             A) Rosie     B) Gwen     C) Lizzie    D) Doris        D)  What type of music do you like most

                                                                                             Grade 8 English   15
   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20