Page 149 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 149

UNIT 9: SCIENCE                                                                 TEST  2

          1.  Steve: What are you reading, Joe?                 4.  Teacher: .................................................

             James:  An  article  about  photosynthesis.  It  says  that   Bella: For me, it is electricity. People live a better life with
             photosynthesis is the way plants use sunlight to turn   electricity.
             carbon dioxide and water into sugar and oxygen. So, we   Edward: In my opinion, Internet is the greatest invention
             can understand from this information that ........ .
                                                                   because we can get information and communicate with
             Complete the dialogue with the correct option.        each other in seconds.
             A)  plants use the energy of the sun for photosynthesis   According to the students’ answers, which question

             B)  plants don’t need light while making photosynthesis   does the teacher ask?
             C)  photosynthesis causes the reducing of oxygen in the   A)  What do you think about the last invention of the 19th
                air                                                   century?
             D)  sugar and oxygen aren’t the results of the process of   B)  What  do  you  think  about  the  latest  technological
                photosynthesis                                        developments in communication?
                                                                   C)  What is the most important invention of all time for
                                                                   D)  Do you think Internet is the most important invention
          2.                                                          in history?
                          Marie  Curie  was  a  Polish  physicist
                          and chemist. She was born in Warsaw
                          on November 7, 1867. She is famous
                          for her work on radioactivity and her   5.  Recent researches show that teenagers are interested
                         theory of radioactivity. She became the   in  science  today  more  than  ten  years  ago.  According
              first woman to win a Nobel Prize and the only woman   to these researches, there are many reasons. First of
              to  win  the  award  in  two  different  fields  (physics   all, youth of today is more curious about searching and
              and chemistry). Curie’s efforts, with her husband    learning new things. They want to learn the reasons and
              Pierre Curie, led to the discovery of polonium and   results of the things they are interested in. Then, they
              radium and after her husband’s death, the further    have  a  lot  of  supplies  and  opportunities  like  internet,
              development of X-rays. She died on July 4, 1934.     labs, etc. They can search and find essential information
                                                                   easier now than before. Also, today’s parents support
                                                                   their children. They encourage them about their studies.
             Which question is not answered in the text above?
                                                                   According to the passage above, today’s youth is
             A)  Where was Marie Curie born?                       related to science because .... .
             B)  What did Marie Curie discover?
                                                                   A)  they have obligations like exams and projects
             C)  Which field of work she is famous for?            B)  they enjoy researching and learning new things
             D)  When did she receive the Nobel Prize?
                                                                   C)  their parents want them to be a scientist
                                                                   D)  they don’t have any hobbies on science

          3.  Hello. I’m Brad. I love science. I’m particularly interested
             in space science. I’m ............... to improve my knowledge   6.  When  we  do  an  experiment  in  the  chemistry  lab,  we
             of space science nowadays.                            should ..................... for our safety.
             Find the unsuitable option for the blank.             Complete the sentence with the appropriate option.

             A)  reading articles about it on the Internet         A)  discover new things
             B)  watching videos and documentaries about it        B)  collect necessary information
             C)  going to the libraries to find out information about it  C)  put the test tubes back
             D)  trying to create devices for making people’s life easier  D)  wear lab glasses

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