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P. 147

UNIT 9: SCIENCE                                                                 TEST  1

          9.       Louis Pasteur                                12. There  are  some  great  living  scientists  today.  Timothy
                                                                   Berners Lee is one of them. He invented the world wide
              Profession: Microbiologist and                       web “www” in 1989. It is an Internet based hypermedia
              chemist                                              invitative for global information sharing. He is director of
              Birth Date: 27 December 1822                         the World Wide Consortium organization. It was founded
              Best Known For: The discovery                        in 1994. He develops many interoperable technologies
              of vaccinations, pasteurization, and                 for  people.  He  also  made  the  world’s  first  website  in
              proving that germs cause disease                     1991. He is still a professor at MIT University.

              Date of Death: 28 September 1895                     In the text above, which one is mentioned about
                                                                   Timothy Berners Lee?
             According to the information card above, we can say   A) His education         B) His personal life
             that Louis Pasteur .... .                             C) His childhood         D) His current occupation
             A)  was interested in two different fields of science
             B)  didn’t find a cure for any illnesses           13.
             C)  was eighty three years old when he died             Hello. My name is Steve. I’m a high school student.
             D)  invented a device that makes people’s life easier   I’m really interested in science and I want to be a
                                                                     famous scientist in the near future thanks to my
                                                                     inventions.  In  my  free  time,  I
                                                                     like  watching  science  videos,
                                                                     reading  science  magazines,
                                                                     visiting  science  museums  and
          10. Hailey: .......................................?       observing  scientific  actions.

             Gamze: İlayda Şamilgil is doing some researches about   Doing experiments in the school
             space at NASA.                                          lab is the activity I like the most.
                                                                     Also, I go to libraries to find out
             Hailey: .........................................?
                                                                     information about science. I think
             Gamze: She studies at Cornell University in New York    of myself as a real science worm.
             and also she works as NASA’s chief technologist.
             Hailey: Wow! That’s awesome. ................?        According to the text above, Steve ..... .
             Gamze: She came first with her work for the “First Step   A)  prefers  visiting  science  museums  to  doing
             to Nobel Prize in Physics” contest in 2019.              experiments in the school lab
             Which question does not Hailey ask Gamze?             B)  dislikes searching about science and creating devices
                                                                      to make people’s life easier
             A)  What do you know more about her
             B)  How did she achieve this success                  C)  is crazy about science and enjoys following scientific
                                                                      developments very much
             C)  What is the current scientific action you know
                                                                   D)  mostly goes to the libraries to get information about
             D)  Which  science  competitions  did  she  attend  in  the   the latest scientific achievements

                                                                14. Evelyn  is  in  the  chemistry  lab.  She  is  conducting  an
                                                                   experiment about an acid - base reaction. Now, she is
                                                                   ....................... .

          11.  I think the invention of the ........... is the most important   Fill in the blank with the appropriate option.
             scientific achievement. With the help of this technology,   A)  watching a science documentary
             people can keep in touch with each other easily.
                                                                   B)  heating the test tube
             Which one completes the blank correctly?              C)  looking for some fossils

             A) telephone   B) tyre   C) compass   D) telescope    D)  learning about the Earth

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