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P. 145

UNIT 9: SCIENCE                                                                 TEST  1

          1.  I study astronomy at university. I like observing stars and   5.
             watching  the  sky.  .................  I’m  exploring  the  craters   Bionics means the replacement of organs or other
             surface of the Moon.                                    body parts by mechanical versions. Bionics is not
                                                                     a specialized science but an interscience discipline.
             Complete the sentence with the suitable option.         Bionicists  analyze  the  structural  and  functional
             A)  I  am  examining  a  biological  sample  by  using  a   principles  to  build  useful  artificial  systems  and
                microscope right now.                                machines. For example, they have studied how the
             B)  I’m looking into the sky through a telescope at the   eye works in order to design better cameras. By the
                moment.                                              way, another amazing development within the field
             C)  I’m using a compass to find my way in the forest now.  of bionics is the artificial eye. Thanks to the artificial
                                                                     eye, blind people can see around. The artificial limbs
             D)  I’m looking at the fossils of dinosaurs at a museum at   by built bionicists behave almost like real ones.
                the moment.

          2.  (I)  I’m  interested  in  science,  and  I  particularly  follow
             the  news  and  programmes  about  space  science.  (II)
             Moreover, I want to study astronomy at university and
             travel into space. (III) Space science is one of the fields
             of science, but I have no interest in it. (IV) It is my biggest   We cannot understand from the text above that .... .
             dream and I’ll work hard to make my dream come true.
                                                                   A)  scientists create a new real organ instead of the old
             Find the irrelevant sentence in the text above.          clumsy one in bionics
             A) I         B) II         C) III        D) IV        B)  bionic  scientists  help  people  who  have  physical
                                                                   C)  an amazing development is an artificial eye that helps
                                                                      blind people see
                                                                   D)  bionic  scientists  can  replace  the  body  parts  by
          3.       ......................  ......................     artificial ones

                Thomas Alva Edison          light bulb

               Alexander Graham Bell        telephone
                  Michael Faraday         electric motor
                                                                6.  Mr. Flemings is a science teacher at a secondary school.
                The Wright Brothers          aircraft              Now, he is in the class with his students. He is talking
                                                                   about the human anatomy and showing the organs using
             Find the appropriate titles for the table.            the human body anatomy model kit.
             A) Discoverer - Discovery   B) Inventor - Invention   Which one is mentioned in the text above?

             C) Inventor - Discoverer   D) Invention - Invent      A)                       B)

          4.  James Watson .......... the structure of DNA in 1953, and
             he took the Nobel Prize for his achievement.          C)                       D)
             Fill in the blank with the appropriate option.

             A) discovered            B) invented
             C) improved              D) created

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