Page 144 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 144

TEST  4                                                                  UNIT 8: CHORES

        13.                  Hello!  I’m Mike. Like everyone,   15.

                             I have some responsibilities to        Household chores    Tim   Sue     Bill  Mia
                             do at home. Taking the garbage           make the bed
                             out, cleaning the windows and
                             emptying  the  dishwasher  are        take out the garbage
                             some of them. But I’m not crazy
                             about them, I have to do them just     clean the windows
                             for helping my wife.
                                                                    take care of the dog
             Hello, I’m Anastasia. I’m fond of
             doing  the  household  chores.  I                    Which of the following expression is said according
             don’t feel responsible doing them                    to the table above?
             because I already enjoy doing all
             of the chores at home. However,                      A)  All of them are in charge of taking the garbage out
             kitchen chores are my favourite.                        and making their beds.
                                                                  B)  Only Bill feeds his dog and takes it for a walk as the
                                                                     household chores.
                            Hello, this is Cynthia. We share the
                            household chores with my husband      C)  Cleaning the windows is both the girls’ and the boys’
                            at home. While I must do all the         duty at home.
                            indoor chores, my husband, Ben, is    D)  Tim and Mia aren’t responsible for doing any indoor
                            in charge of paying the bills, doing     chores.
                            the grocery shopping, mowing the
                            lawn and washing the car.

            Which  of  the  following  option  cannot  be  said
            according to the information above?

            A)  To Anastasia, household chores are not obligations,
               but enjoyable activities.
            B)  Mike shares the chores with his wife at home, but he   16.
               dislikes his responsibilities.                      • Chores teach children responsibility and discipline.
            C)  Cynthia  and  her  husband  do  all  of  the  household   •  Discipline  with  chores  teaches  children  to  be
               chores together at home.                             responsible adults, and they learn to be part of a
            D)  All of them do some kitchen chores, but Anastasia   family.
               likes these kind of chores the most.                •  Chores will help teenagers gain real life skills and so
                                                                    they will be ready for real world when they're adults.
                                                                   • Doing chores is a way to exercise and keep fit.

                                                                  According to the information above, which sentence
                                                                  is not correct?
        14. Cooking the meals is usually mother’s responsibility, but
            this is not the same in my family. My father is a chef and   A)  Children  learn  discipline  and  become  responsible
            he cooks delicious meals at home. I think .................. .  people by doing chores.
            Complete the blank with the most suitable option.     B)  The  main  content  of  the  information  is  chores  are
                                                                     important for both children and teenagers.
            A)  men can do some chores as well as women
                                                                  C)  Doing chores teaches skills about real life to teens
            B)  only women do all the chores at home                 and they prepare themselves for real world.
            C)  men can’t make tasty dishes as women              D)  The main aim of doing chores is to keep fit for both
            D)  cooking is not men’s task in a family                teenagers and adults.

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