Page 142 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 142

TEST  4                                                                  UNIT 8: CHORES

        6.                                                     8.
              Hi, I’m Bella. I have a small family; my dad, my                     Tomorrow is our cleaning day.
              mom, my little brother Tommy and me. We live in                      My sister does the laundry, my
              a flat in a tall apartment block. I help my parents                  mother washes the dishes and
              with the household chores. While                                     does the ironing. I vacuum the
              my  mom  cooks,  I  set  the  table                                  floor and my father takes care
              for  dinner.  After  dinner,  my  dad                     Lauren      of the garden.
              usually  helps  my  mom  in  the
              kitchen. He loads the dishwasher                    Which of the following tool is not necessary for the
              and mops the kitchen floor. Every                   chores according to Lauren’s talk?
              Friday afternoon, my parents do
              the shopping for food, so I must                    A)                       B)
              take care of Tommy that day.

            According to the passage above, .... .

            A)  each family member has some responsibilities in her   C)                   D)
            B)  Bella and her parents are in charge of doing different
               kitchen chores
            C)  Bella does the most of household chores in her family
            D)  cooking is both Bella’s and her mom’s responsibility

              Aaron: I’m in charge of doing some household chores
              However, I love doing the chores in our garden.  9.
                                                                   Hi,  I’m  Richard.  In  our  class,  everybody  shares
                                                                   responsibilities.  Every  day,  three  students  are
              Vicky: I take part in almost all the chores at home.   responsible  for  some  chores.  One  student  cleans
              However, I like doing kitchen chores more than my    up  the  desks  in  the  classroom  at  the  end  of  the
              other tasks.                                         day. Another student cleans the board after every
                                                                   lesson. The other student is responsible for the class

              Chris: I think outdoor tasks are more fun than indoor   library, he / she organizes it and gives a book when
              tasks. So, I really have a good time when I do my    someone wants one of them. I believe that  sharing
              tasks outside.                                       responsibilities is helping each other.
                                                                  According to the text above, we can say that .... .
              Emma:  I’m  in  charge  of  doing  some  indoor  and   A)  Richard  and  his  classmates  don’t  have  to  share
              outdoor duties, but helping my mom with the cooking    responsibilities in their class
              is my favourite.
                                                                  B)  Richard  thinks  sharing  responsibilities  in  the  class
                                                                     isn’t necessary
            Who likes the same type of household chores most      C)  students in Richard’s class share responsibilities, but
            according to the information above?                      they don’t want it

            A) Emma and Aaron        B) Vicky and Chris           D)  each  of  three  students  is  in  charge  of  a  different
            C) Chris and Emma        D) Aaron and Chris              chore in their classroom

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