Page 141 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 141

UNIT 8: CHORES                                                                 TEST  4

          1.  Charles: Which chore don’t you like doing?        4.

             Andy: ...............  Because it smells awful.        Sandra: My mother is a working woman, so I always
                                                                    help her at home. I wash the dishes, tidy up my room
             Fill in the blank with the suitable choice.            and clean the kitchen. I like helping my mom with the

             A)  I hate taking out the garbage.                     cooking, but I don't like cleaning the kitchen.
             B)  I dislike watering the outdoor plants.
             C)  I don’t like ironing the clothes at all.           Mark: My mom works hard all day and she generally
             D)  I hate cleaning the kitchen floor.                 feels very tired when she comes back home from
                                                                    work. I do many things to help her. First, I clean my
                                                                    room twice a week. Second, I help mom to wash the
          2.  Hi, I’m Ellie. My sister and I help our parents with the   dishes. Also, I sometimes take out the rubbish, but I
             housework at home. We have some responsibilities. For   don't like it. Finally, I water the flowers in the garden.
             example; I do the laundry, iron the clothes and vacuum   It's my task, and I love it.
             the house. My sister is 7 years old, so her responsibilities
             are simple. She tidies up her room and feeds our dog.   Betsy: My mother works at a high school as a teacher.
             According to the text above, which of the following    She is very busy with her students. I help her with all
             is not one of Ellie’s responsibilities?                the chores possible. My favourite chore is cooking the
                                                                    meals. It may seem hard but not to me because I enjoy
             A)                       B)
                                                                    it. But I really hate tidying up the kitchen.

                                                                   According to the information above, we can say that
                                                                   ......... .

             C)                       D)                           A)  they  all  have  some  responsibilities  in  the  kitchen
                                                                      except Mark
                                                                   B)  both Betsy and Sandra prefer cleaning the kitchen to
                                                                      cooking the meals
                                                                   C)  all  of  them  help  their  moms  and  have  the  same
                                                                      responsibilities in their houses
          3.  Selin is a working mum. Before she goes to work, she   D)  Mark likes watering the flowers in the garden more
             gives  her  children  some  household  responsibilities.   than doing his other responsibilities
             Today’s chores are:

                                Chore List
                        Sinan  c  Taking out the garbage        5.  Oliver:  I  like  having  a  chat  with  my  friends  while  our
                                                                   teacher is talking in the class.
                        Ayşin  c  Washing the dishes
                                                                   Molly: I sometimes speak in the lessons without asking
                        Leyla  c  Doing the ironing                for permission from my teacher.
                        Davut  c  Mopping the floor                Rosie: I always come to class on time and listen carefully
                                                                   to my teacher.

                                                                   Paul: I usually give harm to the objects while I play in the
             Selin  comes  back  home  and  goes  to  the  kitchen  to
             prepare the dinner. However, she couldn’t find any clean   classroom.
             plates, forks and spoons this evening.                Who  is  a  responsible  student  according  to  the
                                                                   information above?
             Who hasn’t done her / his responsibility?
             A) Sinan     B) Ayşin    C) Leyla     D) Davut        A) Paul     B) Molly     C) Oliver    D) Rosie

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