Page 13 - 8. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 13

UNIT 1: FRIENDSHIP                                                              TEST  3

          1.  Amanda:  Hi,  Tiffany.  Have  you  got  any  plans  for  the   4.  The table below is about Martin’s friends’ personal traits.
                                                                       Name               Personal Traits
             Tiffany: Nothing special. Why do you ask?
             Amanda: I’m going shopping with my sister on Sunday       Oliver           sneaky and jealous
             afternoon. Would you like to come with us?               George           honest and supportive

             Tiffany: ......................... I want to buy a red dress for my   Jodie  arrogant and stubborn
             graduation party.
                                                                       Hayley         thoughtful and generous
             Choose the best option to complete the dialogue.
             A)  No, thanks. I have another plan.                  Which of the following is not correct according to
             B)  I’d love to, but I am very busy.                  the table above?
             C)  Thank you for the offer, but I feel ill.          A)  Martin can count on Oliver and share his secrets with
             D)  That sounds like a good idea. I’d love to.
                                                                   B)  Jodie never changes her decisions or plans easily.
                                                                   C)  George backs Martin up when he has a problem.
          2.  Stefanie: You know my cousin Matt. He got a promotion   D)  Hayley thinks about other people’s needs and wishes.
             two days ago.
             Derek: Oh, that’s awesome. Why don’t we have a party
             for celebrating the promotion?

             Stefanie: .................... Let’s plan what to do for the party.
             Which one is suitable to complete the conversation?
             A)  It’s a good idea, but I have no time.
             B)  Sorry, but we can’t make it.
             C)  Yeah, why not? That idea sounds cool!
             D)  What a terrible idea!                          5.  Robbie and Scott are friends from school. They want to
                                                                   improve their relationship, so they will spend more time
                                                                   together. Here are the lists of their personal interests:

          3.                  Some friends come into our lives              Robbie                  Scott

                              and  stay  forever.  They  become        • Team sports           • Technology
                              our  closest  friends.  We  accept       • Computer games        • Basketball
                              them like our brothers and sisters.      • Exhibitions           • Science
                              They  are  great  buddies.  They         • Music                 • Concerts
                              are always there when we have
              a trouble. They support us. They always keep our     Choose the activity that both of them won’t enjoy
                                                                   doing together.
              secrets and tell the truth. We sometimes argue, but
              we get on well with them most of the time. We enjoy   A)                      B)
              spending time with them because we share similar
              likes and dislikes. These people called "true friends".

             According to the text above, ....................... .

             A)  true friends sometimes tell lies and trick us     C)                       D)
             B)  we can depend on true friends all the time
             C)  we don’t have many common things with true friends
             D)  sharing similar things isn’t important in a friendship

                                                                                             Grade 8 English   13
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