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P. 11

UNIT 1: FRIENDSHIP                                                              TEST  2

          13. Carol is arranging some activities for the next weekend. She invites her close friends to these activities. You see some
             information about the invitation and her friends’ answers in the chart above.

                        Invitee           Becky              Ashley             Brenda             Linda
                                         joining a            going           attending a         going to
                      Invitation for    pop concert         canoeing           book fair         the movies

                     Invitation’s day    Saturday           Saturday           Sunday             Sunday

                    Invitation’s time    08.30 p.m.         09.00 a.m.        02.00 p.m.         07.30 p.m.
                                                        That would be fine,                    I’d love to, but
                    Invitee’s answer  Cool! I’d love to.  but I feel sick.  Sure, why not?       I’m so busy.

             Which of the following option is correct according to the information in the chart above?
             A)  Ashley accepts the offer, but Becky refuses it with giving an excuse for the Saturday events.
             B)  Brenda will go to the book fair with Carol on Sunday afternoon, but Linda can’t join Carol for the cinema event.
             C)  Only Ashley refuses Carol’s offer with an excuse, but her other friends accept joining the events with her.
             D)  Linda has another plan on Sunday evening, but she accepts to watch a film at the cinema with Carol.

                                                     YOU ARE INVITED!

                                                                                      Date: 09.04.2024
                        We are celebrating the 13th birthday of our daughter,        Time: 7 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.
                        Samantha with a big party. It will be a lot of fun for       Address: 345 Victoria Avenue
                        us. We will dance and play games. At the end of the                             Sydney, NSW 56525
                        party, we can swim in the pool. We hope to see you all
                        between us.

                       PS: Please let us know            For more information, call
                        if you can come or not           Patricia: 00 123 754 952
                            until April 8.

             According to the invitation card above, .......................... .

             A)   guests should phone Patricia to learn about the details of the event
             B)  the party is for Samantha, but it will be surprise to her
             C)  the event is going to take 3 hours, but it is going to keep going until midnight
             D)  Samantha’s parents want their guests to inform them before 8 April if they can’t attend the party

                                                                                             Grade 8 English   11
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