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P. 10

TEST  2                                                                UNIT 1: FRIENDSHIP

        9.                                                     11.  Caleb: There is a book fair in the downtown. What about
               Nathan has a lot of friends at school, but Jeremy   going there tomorrow afternoon?
               and Danny are his close friends. They do the       Jamie: I’m sorry, but I can’t make it. Another time, maybe.
               same things all the time because they share the
               same interests. They spend most of their time      Paul: Thanks for the offer, but I can’t come.
               together at the weekends. On Saturdays, they       Debbie: That’s a great idea. Let’s meet at 4 o’clock after
               usually go to the movies and then chit - chat at   school.
               a café. They often play video games and watch
               soccer matches on TV on Sundays.                   Kevin: That would be great, but I’m busy tomorrow. I have
                                                                  to finish my science project.

            Which of the following pictures does not show one     Read the conversation above. Who refuses Caleb’s
            of the activities that they do together?              offer with a reason?
            A)                       B)                           A) Jamie     B) Paul    C) Debbie     D) Kevin

            C)                       D)

                                                               12. These tables below show what Dylan and Dorothy are
                                                                  going to do on the weekend.
                                                                         DYLAN                   DOROTHY

                                                                                            ▪ have a class party
                                                                    ▪ join a bicycle race
                                                                                            ▪  join a volleyball
                                                                    ▪ play soccer
        10.                                                                                  tournament
                                Hi, I’m Hillary. I think I'm very   ▪ go to the movies
                                lucky  because  I  have  a  real                            ▪ go to a shopping mall
                                friend called  Mandy. We have       ▪ go to a rock concert  ▪ go on a nature walk
                                lots of things in common so,        ▪ study for an exam     ▪ watch DVDs at home
                                we really enjoy spending time
             together. Besides, we rarely argue. She is like my
             sister. I know that I can always count on her and    Which of the following can we say according to the
             share my secrets with her. She never tells lies to me   tables above?
             and always backs me up when I have a trouble. She
             tries to make me laugh with her jokes if I feel upset.  A)  Both  of  them  aren’t  going  to  play  any  team  sports
                                                                     during the weekend.
            It is clear from the text above that ..... .          B)  Dorothy is going to attend a music event, but Dylan
            A)  they dislike doing something together
                                                                  C)  They both are going to watch films on the weekend,
            B)  Mandy is reliable and amusing                        but in different places.
            C)  they don’t have any same interests                D)  Dylan is going to spend time with his classmates on
            D)  they don’t get on well with each other               the weekend, but Dorothy isn’t.

          10     Grade 8 English
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