Page 50 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 50


                           TEST 4           Çözümler için     4.   This  family  tree  below  belongs  to  Isaac  and  it  gives
                                                                  information about his family members’ occupations.
       1.   Hi! My name is Danny. I work in an office as an engineer.
           I became an engineer on September 22 , 1996. I like my
           job very much.
           What can we write instead of the underlined date in              His dad,         His mom,
           the sentence above?
                                                                              Clark            Daisy
           A)  the twenty first of September, nineteen eighty six             vet              tailor
           B)  the twentieth of September, nineteen ninety six

           C)  the twenty third of September, nineteen ninety six
           D)  the twenty second of September, nineteen ninety six  His brother,        His
                                                                      John           sister, Mia       Himself

                                                                     lawyer          teacher           student

       2.   Merve is a nurse at a big hospital. Also, her husband is a
           doctor and they work at the same hospital. Merve has a
           sister and she is a dentist.
                                                                  According to the family tree above, .......... .
           Which job is not mentioned in the text above?
           A)                    B)                               A)  his dad can examine both people and animals
                                                                  B)  his sister can’t educate students on school subjects
                                                                  C)  his brother can defend people’s rights at courts

                                                                  D)  his mom can sell clothes, but she can’t sew them
           C)                    D)

       3.   Tom: Please, tell me, Rick. ........................  5.   Clayton: I have a big family with two brothers and two

           Rick: I’m a manager. I have a factory.                 sisters. My brothers’ names are Peter and Alfie. Katie
                                                                  and Meghan are my sisters. I was born on the thirteenth
           Tom: Oh, really? You’re very young to be a manager.    of December, two thousand and one.
           When were you born?
                                                                  Peter:  I  was  born  on  the  twenty  first  of  March,  two
           Rick: .................. I’m  forty. So, I’m not too young as you   thousand and four.
           think, but thanks. What about you?
                                                                  Alfie: I was born on the fourth of November, nineteen
           Tom: ........................ I have my own garage and I repair   ninety seven.
           vehicles there.
                                                                  Meghan: I was born on the fifteenth of December, two
           Which option does not complete any of the blanks       thousand and six.
           in the dialogue?
                                                                  Katie: I was born on the thirtieth of September, two
           A)  I am an engineer.                                  thousand and eight.

           B)  I am a mechanic.
                                                                  According to the information above, who is older
           C)  I was born in 1982.                                than Cliff?

           D)  What is your occupation?                           A) Katie     B) Alfie    C) Meghan      D) Peter
       GRADE 6 ENGLISH                                      49
   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55