Page 5 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 5


        7.   Susan: I always help my mother with the cooking and   10.  The  chart  below  shows  the  important  events  and  the
            take care of the plants in the garden with my father on   dates of these events in Greg’s life.
            Saturdays and Sundays.
                                                                       Date of birth                13 / 02 / 1985
            Leonardo: I spend time with my cousins on Saturday and
            Sunday afternoons and we usually go to the movies.         Graduating from university   08 / 06 / 2010
                                                                       Marriage                     21 / 09 / 2014
            Ellen: I usually do shopping and take out the garbage for
            my grandparents on Saturdays and Sundays.                  Having his first child       25 / 11 / 2017

            Henry: I often go out and hang around with my friends on   Which of the following option is correct according to
            Saturday and Sunday afternoons.                        the chart above?
            According  to  the  information  above,  who  runs     A)  His  graduation  date  is  the  eighteenth  of  June,  two
            errands for his / her parents at weekends?
                                                                      thousand and eleven.
            A) Susan     B) Leonardo    C) Ellen    D) Henry
                                                                   B)  His birthday is on the thirteenth of January, nineteen
                                                                      eighty - four.
                                                                   C)  He  celebrates  his  wedding  anniversary  on  the
                                                                      twenty - first of September.

                                                                   D)  His  first  child’s  birthday  is  on  the  twenty - fifth  of
        8.           11  12  1               11  12  1
                   10      2               10      2                  December, two thousand and seventeen.
                   9        3              9        3
                   8       4               8       4           11.
                     7  6  5                 7  6  5               I.  She has a big family breakfast at 11 a.m.
                        I                      II                  II. She reads a book and writes her diary before she
                It is half past one.    It is twenty to four.        goes to bed.
                                                                   III. Chloe  has  a  rest  at  the  weekends,  so  she  usually

                     11  12  1               11  12  1               wakes up late.
                   10      2               10       2              IV. She often meets her friends in the afternoon and
                   9        3             9         3                they do something fun together.
                   8       4               8        4
                     7  6  5                 7  6  5               Order the sentences to make a meaningful text.
                       III                     IV                  A) III - II - IV - I    B) III - IV - I - II
               It is quarter past two.  It is five to eleven.      C) III - I - II - IV   D) III - I - IV - II

            Which clocks show the correct times?
                                                               12.   Sunday    Frank    Sonia     Amber     Tony
            A) I and IV            B) I and III
                                                                               take a
            C) II and III          D) III and IV                    11:30 a.m.  piano    play       do      get up

                                                                              course    tennis   cleaning
                                                                               play     meet       visit    help
                                                                   03:00 p.m.
                                                                              baseball  friends  grandparents  father

                                                                   What can we say according to the table above?
        9.   Kimberly: What does your mother do at the weekends?
                                                                   A)  Frank  goes  to  his  piano  course  before  he  does  a
            Martina: ................... We help her with the housework, of   team sport.
                                                                   B)  Sonia  spends  time  with  her  friends  before  three
            Complete the dialogue with the appropriate option.
                                                                      o’clock in the afternoon.
            A)  She usually does cleaning.
                                                                   C)  Amber cleans up her house at half past eleven after
            B)  She takes care of our pet.                            she visits her relatives.
            C)  She goes jogging with my dad.                      D)  Tony helps his dad before three o’clock on Sunday

            D)  She usually meets her friends.                        afternoons.
                                                          4                                       GRADE 6 ENGLISH
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10