Page 49 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 49


        7.                                                     10.  Teacher: Is your mother a dentist, Mary?
                Hello, everyone! Let's play a game called "Guess
                My Job". I'll give you some information about my job   Mary: No, my aunt is a dentist. My mother is a nurse.
                      and you'll try to find it. Are you ready? ... OK!  Teacher: What about you, Mary? What do you want to

                           e I have a beauty saloon.               be in the future?
                            e My customers are female.             Mary: There are two jobs in my mind: being a teacher as
                            e I can dye, cut and design hair.      you do or being a doctor like my father.
                                                                   Teacher: Which one do you want more as a career?
                                                                   Mary: Well, I think I will be a doctor.
            What is Britney’s job according to the information     What is Mary’s preference for her future job?
            she gives?
                                                                   A)                     B)
            A)  She is a tailor.

            B)  She is a saleswoman.
            C)  She is a hairdresser.
            D)  She is a waitress.
                                                                   C)                     D)

               My  grandfather,  George  was
               a  mechanic  when  he  was
               young. (I) He is seventy - three
               years  old  now,  but  he  is  very
               energetic.  (II)  He  retired  in
               2018 and now he is a farmer.
               (III) He grows his own fruits and
               vegetables on his farm, and he
               has lots of animals. (IV)                       11.  Mother: What is your dream job, dear?
                                                                   Jane: Let me think about it. Well, I think I want to be a
            Which one is not correct according to the paragraph    ........................ because I want to look after ill animals.
                                                                   Mother: Oh, great! I think you will do the best in your job.
            A)  The first sentence gives information about George’s   Fill in the blank with the suitable option.
               job before he was retired.
                                                                   A) veterinary   B) doctor   C) nurse   D) teacher
            B)  We can get information about George’s place of birth
               from the second sentence.
            C)  The  third  sentence  tells  us  about  George’s  retiring
               date and his current job.

            D)  The fourth sentence gives information about George’s
               workplace and what he does as a farmer.
                                                               12.  Hi, I’m Amanda from Chicago, the USA. (I) I was born on
                                                                   the 13  of January, 1993.  (II) I’m 31 years old now. (III) I
                                                                   work at a big company as a secretary. (IV) I give people
        9.   My  mother  can  make  beautiful  dresses  and  suits  for   information about law and defend their rights at courts.
            people because she is a(n) .............. .
                                                                   Which sentence disrupts the meaning of the text
            Find the correct occupation to complete the gap.       above?

            A) tailor   B) waitress   C) cook     D) architect     A) I          B) II         C) III         D) IV
                                                         48                                       GRADE 6 ENGLISH
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