Page 48 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 48


                           TEST 3           Çözümler için     4.   Scott: I’m a teacher. I work in a secondary school. I teach
                                                                  subjects to the students at the school. I work five days a
            Mrs. Happy is a saleswoman.                           Evelyn: I’m a vet. I look after sick animals. I can make
            She  works  at  a  clothes  shop                      operations to them. I work in my veterinary clinic.
            five  days  a  week.  Her  work                       Hannah: I’m a nurse. I take care of people when they are
            begins  at  9  o’clock  in  the                       ill. I can write prescriptions and operate on them. I work
            morning  and  finishes  at  10                        in a hospital.
            o’clock  in  the  evening.  She
            assists customers. She works                          David: I’m a lawyer. I work in a law firm. I defend people’s
            hard  and  feels  very  tired  every  day.  She  is  also  a   rights at courts. It’s hard, but I love my job.
            singer.  She  sings  songs  at  a  cafe  on  Saturday   Read the people’s speeches above. Who gives the
            evenings. She thinks singing is more enjoyable than   wrong information about his / her occupation?
            selling things. On Sundays, she wakes up late. She    A) David    B) Hannah      C) Scott    D) Evelyn
            stays at home and rests all day long.

           It is clear from the text above that ............ .

           A)  she is a saleswoman, but she has an extra job
           B)  she likes helping the customers more than singing

           C)  she works at the clothes shop both on weekdays and   5.
              weekends                                              Hi, I’m Merve. I was born in Aydın, on 3  September,
                                                                    2009. My dad is an engineer. He was born on 19 th
           D)  she works for ten hours at the clothes shop every day
                                                                    April, 1975. My mom is a vet. She was born on 25
                                                                    April, 1978. She has a veterinary clinic. My grandpa
                                                                    was an architect and my grandma was a nurse. They
                                                                    are retired now. It was my grandma’s 78  birthday
       2.   Gareth:  Hey  Kaitlyn!  Where  were  you  yesterday     yesterday. I love my family very much. And I want
           afternoon?                                               to be a singer in the future because I think I have a
                                                                    great voice and I really love singing.
           Kaitlyn: ...................... I have new projects about a house
           plan. I worked on it.                                  According to the text above, .............. .

          Choose the best option to fill in the blank.
                                                                  A)  Merve was born on the third day of the ninth month
           A)  I was at home with my family.                      B)  her parents were born in the same year

           B)  I was in İzmir for holiday.                        C)  her dad can design and draw the plans of buildings
           C)  I was at the office.                               D)  Merve doesn’t talk about her grandparents’ jobs
           D)  I was on a farm alone.

       3.   Mandy: What does your father do?
           Tina: He is a dentist. ......................      6.      Becky

           Which option is suitable for the blank?                 My best friend, Emily enjoys cooking. She wants to
                                                                   learn  how  to  make  delicious  dishes  in  the  future.  I
           A)  He takes orders and serves at a cafe.
                                                                   think a profession about cooking is just for her.
           B)  He examines ill animals at his clinic.
           C)  He sells things at a big shop.                     According to Becky, Emily should be a ............ .

           D)  He treats people’s tooth diseases at a clinic.     A) cook   B) waitress   C) saleswoman   D) worker
       GRADE 6 ENGLISH                                      47
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