Page 47 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 47


        7.                                                     10.  My aunt is a tailor. She works at a .................... . She
               James is a mechanic. He works in his garage five    wants to be retired two years later.
               days a week. He doesn't work on weekends. His
               work begins at 8 a.m. and finishes at 6 p.m. His    Fill in the blank with the correct option.
               wife,  Ashley  is  a  saleswoman.  She  works  at  a   A) restaurant       B) shopping mall
               shopping mall. She starts work at 8 o'clock in the   C) supermarket        D) dressmaker workshop
               morning and stops at 9 o'clock in the evening. She
               works  every  day,  so  she  thinks  her  work  is  very
               tiring. She was a housewife until last year.
                                                               11.             Dates of
            The text above does not tell about ................. .   Who                      Place        Job
                                                                            starting / retiring
            A)  what they do at work                                 Riley    1968 - 2010   municipality  driver

            B)  their occupations and workplaces                     Olivia   1996 - .......   clinic     dentist
            C)  in which days they go to work                        Dave     1987 - 2019     office     manager
            D)  the starting and stopping times of their work       Mandy     2001 - .......  school     teacher

                                                                   According to the chart above, ................ .

                                                                   A)  Mandy worked as a teacher before 2001
        8.                                                         B)  Dave was a manager between 1987 and 2019
                          Hi! I live in London with my family. I was   C)  Olivia treated tooth diseases until 1996
                          born on the thirty first of third month. I
                          can take orders, serve food and drinks   D)  Riley worked in the municipality after 2010
                          at a cafeteria, but I can't prepare meals
                           in the kitchen of this place.
               Rebecca                                         12.     Number of students

            According to Rebecca’s talk, she was born on the
            ........ and she is a ..... .                             8

            A)  21  of February - waiter                              6
            B)  31  of March - saleswoman                             4
            C)  21  of February - cook
                                                                      2                                 engineer  Occupations
            D)  31  of March - waitress                                     vet  lawyer  doctor  pilot
                                                                   There are thirty students in class B in Woodland Middle
                                                                   School. The chart above shows the dream jobs of these
              Hi! I am Liam. I am a taxi driver. I have a yellow taxi. I   According to the chart above, which of the following
              drive passengers from one location to another. They   sentence can be said?
              pay me for the service. I can meet many interesting
              or  dangerous  people  every  day.  I  work  for  long   A)  More than eight students want to fly a plane in the
              hours. It is a very tiring job, but I love my occupation.  future.

                                                                   B)  Less than six students want to build houses or take
            In this text, you can get information about ............ .
                                                                      care of animals.
            A)  how many hours he works a day
                                                                   C)  Ten  students  want  to  treat  people’s  illnesses  and
            B)  what kind of a vehicle he has got                     operate on them.
            C)  the advantages of his occupation                   D)  Eight of the students want to defend people’s rights

            D)  how much money he earns a day                         at courts.
                                                         46                                       GRADE 6 ENGLISH
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