Page 45 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 45


        7.       Name        Date of Birth   Place of Birth    10.  Stacey: When and where were you born, Naomi?
                  Tim        11  June, 2011      Oxford            Naomi: I was born on 5  August, 1986 in Southampton.
               Tim’s dad     3  April, 1975     London             Stacey: What is your occupation?
              Tim’s mom    25  January, 1983    Salisbury          Naomi: I’m a tailor. I work at a dressmaker workshop.
              Tim’s brother  22  March, 2012   Cambridge           Stacey: Were you at your workplace yesterday?
            Which of the following option is correct according to   Naomi: No, I was not. I was at home. I don’t work on
            the chart above?                                       Sundays.
                                                                   According to the dialogue above, we can say about
            A)  Tim’s brother was born in Cambridge on the twenty   Naomi that .... .
               second of fifth month.
            B)  Tim was born on the eleventh of June, two thousand   A)  she was born in nineteen sixty eight
               and eleven in Oxford.                               B)  she doesn’t work on weekdays
            C)  Tim’s  mother  was  born  on  the  twenty  fourth  of   C)  she can cut and sew fabric
               January, nineteen eighty three.                     D)  she can sell clothes at her workplace

            D)  Tim’s  father  was  born  on  the  thirteenth  of  April,
               nineteen seventy five.

                                                               11.  You can find out the answer of the question “What is
        8.   Rosie: I can prepare delicious meals at a restaurant.
                                                                   Sue’s dream job?” in the puzzle below.
            Matt: I can teach students a lot of things at school.
                                                                               Who can examine ill people?
            Lily: I can cut, dye and design hair at a beauty saloon.
            Greg: I can repair cars and other vehicles at a garage.          Doctor                 Vet
            Find the correct option according to the information
            above.                                                    What can a baker do?   Who can repair cars?

                   Rosie     Matt       Lily      Greg                           make and

             A)     cook    teacher  hairdresser  mechanic           cook meals  sell bread  a mechanic  a driver
             B)      waitress  mechanic  engineer  salesman
             C)     lawyer   tailor    worker     waiter

             D)     nurse  salesman   manager   mechanic

                                                                   Sue wants to be a(n) .............. in the future.
        9.                                                         A) engineer   B) architect   C) manager   D) nurse
              Hello! My name is Mia. I was born in Birmingham
              on 12  December, 1989. I'm a nurse. I was at the
              hospital yesterday, but I'm not at work today. I work
              five days a week. I never work at weekends. I start
              work at 8 o'clock in the morning and stop at 5 o'clock   12.  Avery: Where were you last Friday at half past four?
              in the evening.
                                                                   Tom: .......... I did research about my science project there.

            In this text, there is no information about ...... .   Choose the suitable option to fill in the blank.
            A)  what she can or can’t do at work                   A)  I was at the museum.

            B)  her working days and hours                         B)  I was at the bookshop.
            C)  her occupation and workplace                       C)  I was at the school canteen.

            D)  her date of birth and place of birth               D)  I was at the library.
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