Page 44 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 44


                            TEST 1          Çözümler için     4.       Name           Job           Free day
                                             okutunuz                  Rachel        Tailor         Sunday
       1.   My aunt is a waitress. She works at a ............ . She wants   Jay     Lawyer         Saturday
           to be retired three years later.                            Frank        Manager         Sunday
           Fill in the blank with the correct option.                  Albert        Dentist         Friday

           A) hospital           B) shopping mall                 Which of the following option is correct according to
           C) supermarket        D) restaurant                    the chart above?

                                                                  A)  Albert and Frank don’t work on the same day of the
                                                                  B)  Rachel can sell clothes in a shop, but she can’t make
                                                                  C)  Jay can catch guilties, but he can’t defend people’s

       2.   Elizabeth: What does your brother do?                    rights at courts.
           Charles: .....................................         D)  Albert can pull out the teeth, but he doesn’t work on
           Elizabeth: Where does he work?
           Charles: .....................................

           Elizabeth: What can he do at work?
           Charles: .....................................            My mother is a ................. . She can take care of

           Which answer does not belong to Charles?                  animals. She can make operations and she sells
                                                                     animal food.
           A)  He can sell things to customers.

           B)  His dream job is cook.                             Which picture is related to the words that completes
           C)  He works at a market.                              the blank in the text above?
           D)  He is a salesman.                                  A)                    B)

                                                                  C)                    D)

       3.                    Hi! My name is Stefanie. I live

                             in Bristol with my family. I was
                            born  on  the  twenty  second  of
                            fourth month. I can look after ill
                             people,  but  I  can't  examine  or
                              operate on them.                6.   Teacher: Where does your father work?

                                                                  Sam: He works at a big company.
           According to Stefanie’s talk, find her occupation and
           birth date.                                            Teacher: Can he build bridges and roads?
           A)  Nurse - 22  of April                               Sam: No, he can’t, but he can draw the plans of buildings.
           B)  Dentist - 21  of March                             Teacher: Is your father a(n) ...............?
           C)  Saleswoman - 22  of April                          Which option completes the conversation above?
           D)  Waitress - 23  of May                              A) engineer   B) worker   C) architect   D) manager
       GRADE 6 ENGLISH                                      43
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