Page 43 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 43


        7.                                                     10.  Zachary: Are we going to the fair in the downtown on
                 Roller coaster, bumper cars, carousel,            Saturday, Chloe?
                 ghost  train,  Ferris  wheel  and  much           Christina:   Of course, my friend! I love fairs.
                 more...                                           Zachary:  What  about  starting  with  the  roller  coaster
                       DON'T MISS SPECIAL
                     GAMES AND ACTIVITIES!         FANTASTIC CIRCUS SHOW   375 HOLDEN STREET - LONDON   555 - 927 - 35 - 42  06/18 - 11:00 AM - 10:00 PM  there? Because it’s enjoyable.
                  COME AND ENJOY THE CIRCUS!                       Christina:  Ohh,  no!  It  is  very  dangerous.  I  think  the
                                       11:00 AM -                  carousel is more exciting.
                  18/6                                             Zachary: Carousel? It is boring. I want to get on the ghost
                                        10:00 PM

                                                                   Christina: OK, buddy. I agree with you. They are more
            Which of the following question does not have an       enjoyable.
            answer on the ticket above?
                                                                   Which option is correct according to the dialogue
            A)  Where does the circus take place?                  above?
            B)  What are the date and time of the circus?
                                                                   A)  They don’t like riding the ghost train at all.
            C)  How many days is the circus open?
                                                                   B)  Both of them want to start with the roller coaster.
            D)  What time does the circus start and finish?
                                                                   C)  They think the roller coaster is the most fun ride.
                                                                   D)  Zachary disagrees with Christina about the carousel.

        8.   A group of 20 friends want to go to the funfair in their
            town together. The chart below is about the activities
            they like doing at the fair.

               Activities at the fair   Number of friends
                  clowns' shows               4
                   bumper cars                13               11.  Tiffany loves fairs. ............... So, she goes to the fairs very
                   roller coaster             2                    often on her summer holidays.
                   Ferris wheel               1                    Choose the option that completes the gap correctly.

            Which picture shows the activity most of them like     A)  She thinks there are a lot of fun things at the fairs.
            doing at the fair?                                     B)  She thinks fairs aren’t suitable places for children.
            A)                     B)                              C)  She finds fairs noisy and dangerous places.

                                                                   D)  She prefers movie theatres to fairs for fun.

            C)                     D)

                                                               12.  Orlando: What do you think about ghost trains?

                                                                   Wilbur: Oh, they are very exciting! What about you?
                                                                   Orlando: I agree with you. They are so ............... .
        9.   If you want to get on both a slow and frightening ride, the
            ............ is suitable for you.                      Wilbur: Let’s ride it and have fun, then.
            Which option is suitable to fill in the blank?         Complete the dialogue with the correct adjective.

            A) bumper car          B) carousel                     A) amazing             B) boring
            C) roller coaster      D) ghost train                  C) dangerous           D) horrible
                                                         42                                       GRADE 6 ENGLISH
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