Page 42 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 42


                           TEST 4           Çözümler için     4.   Aaron:  Let’s go to the fair in Bells Community Centre.
                                             okutunuz             Chloe: That’s a great idea. I think fairs are amazing. I like
                                                                  the train ride very much. I think it’s fun.
              Hi! I am Sandra. I’m at the amusement park now.     Aaron: I don’t agree with you. I think it’s too boring. I like
              My  friends  are  with  me.  I  am  riding  the  bumper   the ghost train. It is the most thrilling one.
              car. Jack is on the Ferris wheel. Jimmy is going to
              buy a token for the ghost train. Karen is riding the   Chloe: Oh, ghost train? I never ride it. It’s frightening.
              carousel. We are really having a good time here. I   Maybe we can get on the bumper cars together.
              love amusement parks.                               Aaron: Yeah, why not? I like bumper cars.

                                                                  What  cannot  we  say  according  to  the  dialogue
           Which ride is not mentioned in the paragraph above?
           A)                    B)
                                                                  A)  They decide to ride the bumper cars together.

                                                                  B)  Aaron disagrees with Chloe about the train ride.
                                                                  C)  Chloe doesn’t like the ghost train because it’s scary
                                                                     for her.
           C)                    D)
                                                                  D)  Both of them like getting on the train ride a lot.

                       Hi, I’m Linda. I think funfairs are crazy   5.   Tina: I think Ferris wheels are frightening.
                       places. You can ride amazing toys and      Susan: ............ I think they are childish. I hate them.
                       play exciting games at the fairs. I love
                       carousels  and  Ferris  wheels.  I  think   Find the suitable option to fill in the blank.
                       they are fantastic. I hate roller coasters   A) I agree with you.   B) You’re absolutely right.
                       and ghost trains. They are horrible and    C) Sure, of course.   D) I think you are wrong.
                       dangerous  for  me.  I  prefer  safe  rides.
                       However, I’m crazy about eating candy
                       floss when I’m at the fair.

           According to Linda’s talk, .................. .

           A)  she thinks funfair is not a good place to spend time
           B)  she tells about the fun rides she likes and dislikes
                                                              6.   Gloria:  Mom,  can  you  take  me  to  the  fair  at  the  city
           C)  she enjoys getting on fast and dangerous rides at fair
                                                                  centre? I’m very excited about new wave swinger and
           D)  she never has something to eat while she is in the fair  roller coaster.

                                                                  Mother: I’m sorry, dear but you can’t ride them because
                                                                  .............. . You should prefer safer rides.

                                                                  Choose the best option to complete the dialogue.
       3.   Peter: What do you think about the carousel?
           Rosie: I think it is ............ . I don’t prefer riding it when I   A)  they are dangerous for the kids under 15
           go to the funfair.                                     B)  they aren’t interesting for the people at your age
           Find the option that completes the blank correctly.    C)  I prefer riding the ghost train to the rides you like

           A) exciting   B) amazing   C) dull   D) fascinating    D)  I think those rides are definitely appropriate for you
       GRADE 6 ENGLISH                                      41
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