Page 4 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 4


                            TEST 1          Çözümler için     4.          Kevin’s Daily Routine On Saturday
                                                                     09.30 a.m.        take a French course
                                                                     11.30 a.m.     attend a folk dance course
       1.   Ashley: What do you do in the evenings?
                                                                     02.00 p.m.    water the flowers in the garden
           Isaac: I usually .................... after I finish all my homework.
           I can go online only for an hour.                         04.00 p.m.         visit grandparents
                                                                     05.30 p.m.     play basketball with friends
           Choose the correct option for the blank.
           A)  run errands for my parents                         Which picture shows the activity Kevin does in the
                                                                  afternoon before he visits his grandparents?
           B)  watch sports programmes
                                                                  A)                    B)
           C)  play outdoor games
           D)  surf on the Internet

       2.   Oscar  and  Peter  want  to  attend  a  club  together  after
           school. Here are the lists of their favourite after - school   C)            D)

                   OSCAR                    PETER
              • riding a bicycle       • playing the guitar
              • surfing the Net        • watching films
              • playing soccer         • playing chess
              • going to the movies    • reading a book       5.   Claire: Hey Larry! .................................?

                                                                  Larry: Sorry, but I can’t give it to you. I have double  math
           Choose the club that both Oscar and Peter enjoy        classes today.
                                                                  Claire: I see. ...............................?
           A) Music club         B) Drama club
           C) Movie club         D) Sports club                   Larry: At half past one p.m.
                                                                  Claire: ...........................? Is it OK for you?
       3.                                                         Larry: Yes, of course.

                      come                take the                Which question does not Claire ask Larry?
                    back home             dog for                 A)  Which school subject do you like most
                     from school          a walk at
                       at 16:00            17:15                  B)  Can I have your calculator for math class
                                                                  C)  What time does your math class start
                                                                  D)  Can I have your calculator after the math class

                                         finish all the
                   dinner with
                   parents at
                                          at 21:00            6.   Charlie is a very hardworking student. He always does
                                                                  his homework regularly. At school, his teachers really
                                                                  like him. .........................
           According to Zoey’s timetable above, she ... .         Which option is suitable for the blank?
           A)  finishes all her homework before dinner time       A)  He plays games instead of doing his homework.

           B)  begins to do her homework before 9 p.m.            B)  He usually makes noise a lot during the lesson.
           C)  leaves school at around 4 in the afternoon         C)  He listens to his teachers carefully all the time.

           D)  takes care of the dog after half past six p.m.     D)  He never comes to class on time.
       GRADE 6 ENGLISH                                       3
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9