Page 39 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 39


        7.   Billy: Do you like Ferris wheel?                  10.  Rachel: It is a machine with wooden horses. People can
                                                                   ride on for fun and it turns around and around.
            Samantha: Yes, I like it. ................
                                                                   Logan: It is a small railway at a fair. It goes up and down
            Billy: I agree with you. I like it, too.
                                                                   steep slopes fast.
            Choose the correct option for the blank.
                                                                   Amanda: It is a small train at a funfair. It travels through
            A)  I think it is more boring than the carousel.       a dark tunnel full of frightening creatures.
            B)  You can watch the scenery of your town on it.      Peter: It is a very large upright wheel with seats on it for
            C)  Ferris wheels are very slow rides.                 people to ride on in a funfair.

            D)  I prefer faster fun rides when I’m at the fair.    Who describes the roller coaster?
                                                                   A) Rachel    B) Logan     C) Amanda     D) Peter

                Fun ride   frightening   fast     amazing
                                                               11.      Name
             Roller coaster                                                       Allison     William     Owen
                                                                    Fun ride
               Carousel                                                Ferris
                                                                       wheel       dull      exciting     crazy
              Bumper cars
              Ghost train                                             coaster     funny       boring     thrilling
            According to the chart above, which of the following       train     fantastic  frightening  exciting
            option is correct?
            A)  Bumper cars are slower than ghost trains.              cars       funny      fantastic   terrifying

            B)  Carousels are more amazing than roller coasters.   We can understand from the table above that, ...... .
            C)  Ghost trains are more horrible than roller coasters.
                                                                   A)  Owen likes roller coasters and bumper cars
            D)  Bumper  cars  are  faster  and  more  amazing  than   B)  only Allison gets on the ghost train
                                                                   C)  William and Owen dislike the Ferris wheel
                                                                   D)  they like the roller coaster except William

               Hello, my name is Ryan. I think
               funfair is amazing. I like ghost                12.  Noah: What do you think about markets?
               train  and  bumper  cars,  but
               roller coaster is my favourite. I                   Hannah: I don’t like them. I think they’re boring. I like
               hate Ferris wheel and carousel                      shopping malls very much. I think they’re interesting and
               because  they  are  really  dull.                   fun.
               However,   I   enjoy   joining                      Noah: I disagree. ......................................
               exciting  and  crazy  games
               at  the  fair.  Sometimes,  I  win                  Fill in the blank with the correct option.
               prizes at the end of the games.                     A)  Markets  are  more  fun  and  natural  than  shopping
            It is clear from Ryan’s talk that ............. .
                                                                   B)  Shopping malls are more interesting and crazier than
            A)  he thinks the carousel is an enjoyable ride           markets.

            B)  he feels bored on the bumper cars                  C)  Markets  are  more  boring  and  expensive  than
            C)  he has lots of fun when he’s on the roller coaster    shopping malls.

            D)  he likes the Ferris wheel more than the roller coaster  D)  Shopping malls are more entertaining than markets.
                                                         38                                       GRADE 6 ENGLISH
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