Page 35 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 35


        7.   Abigail: Hi, brother. What’s up?                  10.
                                                                                      Weather         Emotion
            Edward: Not bad. What about you?
            Abigail: Great, thanks. It’s a nice sunny day here! I feel   Eddie                         scared
            very happy. What’s the weather like there?
                                                                        Brian                          moody
            Edward: Oh, it’s cold and snowy again. I feel moody.
            Abigail: We miss you much. Come back hometown.             Nancy                           sleepy

            We can understand from the dialogue above that              Sonia                         energetic
            .................... .

            A)  they are in different cities                       The chart above shows Eddie, Brian, Nancy and Sonia’s
            B)  Edward likes snowy days                            emotions in different weather conditions.

            C)  Abigail doesn’t like sunny weather                 Which option can we say according to the chart?
            D)  the weather doesn’t affect their emotions          A)  Nancy likes rainy weather so much.

                                                                   B)  Eddie feels scared in stormy weather.
                                                                   C)  Cloudy weather affects Brian in a positive way.
        8.                                                         D)  Sonia doesn’t be active on sunny days.
                                    -9  C
                                    5  C
                                                                     Hi, I’m Nora. I live in Toronto, Canada.
                   FREEZING        Sydney                            The season is winter now. It is usually
                                    34  C
                                                                     snowy and freezing in the country. I like
                                                                     playing  snowball,  making  a  snowman
                                   Madrid                            and going ice - skating with my friends
                                    21  C                            very much on snowy days. In summer,
                                                                     I sometimes visit my grandparents living
            Which one is correct according to the weather table?     in Dubai. It is a very hot country and I
                                                                     often go swimming there.
            A)  Madrid and Sydney are warm, but Sydney is sunnier.

            B)  It is minus five degrees Celsius in London.        It is clear from the text above that she .............. .
            C)  Moscow is colder than the other cities in the table.    A)  likes sunny weather more than snowy weather
            D)  It is cold in Moscow and London, but London is colder.  B)  doesn’t like snowy weather because she feels bad

                                                                   C)  enjoys doing activities outside in snowy weather
                                                                   D)  does only indoor activities in Dubai in summer
        9.   Mother: It is snowy and freezing today. ..................

            Fiona: Alright, mom. I must go to my English course now.
            See you later.

            Choose the suitable option for the blank.
                                                               12.  I like windy weather because I feel .............. on windy
            A)  Don’t forget to take your sunglasses and hat.      days. Also, I can fly a kite at the park with my friends in

            B)  Wear your coat and take your gloves.               that weather condition.
            C)  Put on your blouse and skirt.                      Fill in the blank with the correct option.

            D)  Wear your raincoat and take your umbrella.         A) happy     B) scared     C) anxious     D) sad
                                                         34                                       GRADE 6 ENGLISH
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