Page 33 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 33


        7.                                                     10.  Jimmy: I’m bored, Katie. Let’s go to the park near our
                                                                   house and ride a bike.

                                                                   Katie: No. That’s a bad idea. Look at the outside. It’s

                                                                   Jimmy: But it is not raining. We can go.
                          İZMİR                 ERZURUM            Katie: I don’t like cloudy weather.

                                                                   Jimmy: How do you feel on cloudy days?
                                                                   Katie: I feel sleepy. Let’s stay at home and play chess
                           10  C                    -2  C
            Look at the visuals above. Which of the following      Jimmy: OK. That would be fine.
            option the false?                                      We can understand from the dialogue above that
                                                                   ..................... .
            A)  Erzurum is not hotter than İzmir and it is snowy in
               Erzurum.                                            A)  they like riding their bikes on cloudy days

            B)  The  temperature  is  minus  two  degrees  Celsius  in   B)  it is rainy when they are speaking at home
               Erzurum.                                            C)  both of them enjoy being out in cloudy weather
            C)  Someone  in  İzmir  should  take  an  umbrella  while   D)  Katie dislikes cloudy days because she feels sleepy
               going out.
            D)  The weather is snowy in İzmir and İzmir is cooler than
                                                               11.  Cynthia: I love summer. It is usually sunny and hot. I play
                                                                   games at the playground with my friends. I like going to
                                                                   the beach with my parents at the weekends. I usually
        8.   You  and  your  best  friend  live  in  different  cities.  Your
            hometown is snowy today and you feel moody. And you    swim in the sea and make sandcastles by the seaside.
            want to call your best friend to ask about the weather   Which picture shows an activity that Cynthia does
            and her / his feelings.                                in summer?
            Which of the following question do not you ask her /   A)                     B)
            him on the phone?

            A)  What is the weather like there?
            B)  How do you feel on these days?
            C)  What kind of weather do you like?                  C)                     D)

            D)  How is the weather in your hometown?

        9.   Zoey: My body is full of energy in stormy weather, so it is
            my favourite weather.

            Chris: I hardly ever smile in stormy weather because I’m
            worried in this weather.                           12.        Hello, kids! I’m the season of new beginnings.
            Lauren: I’m afraid of the sound of wind, so I don’t want to   The  earth  seems  to  come  to  life  again.  The
            be alone on stormy days.                                      weather  usually  turns  warmer,  trees  begin  to
            Tommy: In stormy weather, I don’t want to do anything         grow  their  leaves,  plants  start  to  flower  and
            because I need a sleep.                                       young animals such as chicks and lambs are
            According  to  the  information  above,  who  feels
            scared in stormy weather?                              Which season is mentioned in the speech bubble?

            A) Lauren     B) Tommy      C) Zoey     D) Chris       A) Summer     B) Autumn    C) Winter   D) Spring
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