Page 32 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 32


                           TEST 3           Çözümler için     4.   I.  My favourite season is winter. Because I love playing
                                             okutunuz               snowball outside.
                                                                  II. What is your favourite season?
             In  this  season,  trees  shed  their  leaves  and  birds   III. Really? But it’s freezing. You cannot play it every day.
             migrate to other countries. It rains a lot and days get   IV. It’s summer. I love sunny weather, and I always go
             shorter. Schools start in this season, too.            swimming. What about you?
                                                                  What is the correct order of the dialogue above?
           Which picture shows the season mentioned in the
           text above?                                            A) II - I - III - IV    B) II - III - I - IV
                                                                  C) IV - II - I - III   D) II - IV - I - III
           A)                    B)

           C)                    D)
                                                              5.   Below, you see the weather forecast for the next twenty
                                                                  four hours in Turkey.

       2.   Mom: Where are you going, Jane?
           Jane: I’m going to meet my friends at the café.
           Mom: OK. ................... It’s raining outside.

           Jane: OK, mom. See you.                                Which option is not correct according to the weather
           Choose the correct option for the blank.               forecast on the map?

           A)  Wear your coat and boots, please.                  A)  The  weather  is  snowy  and  freezing  in  the  east  of
           B)  Sunbath on the beach with your friends.
                                                                  B)  It is foggy and cold in the north of Turkey.
           C)  Don’t forget to take your umbrella.
                                                                  C)  The weather is sunny and warm in the west of Turkey.
           D)  Don’t put on your raincoat outside.
                                                                  D)  It is lightning and cool in the south of Turkey.

             Hello,  my  name  is  Mika.  I
             live  in  Angola,  Africa.  In  my               6.   Wilma: Are you coming to the picnic with us on Saturday?
             hometown,  it  is  very  hot  and
             rainy in summer. I feel unhappy                      Brittany: Sorry, but I don’t think that I will come.
             and  moody  on  rainy  days,  so                     Wilma: Why not? It will be awesome.
             I  don’t  like  rainy  weather.  In
             winter, it is always cool and dry.                   Brittany: The weather forecast says it will be cloudy and
                                                                  cool on that day. ........................
                                                                  Wilma: I see. Don’t worry. Maybe, another time.
           Which of the following question does not have an
           answer in the text above?                              Fill in the blank with the appropriate option.
           A)  How is the weather in Angola in summer?            A)  I feel moody and anxious on cloudy days.

           B)  How does Mika feel in winter?                      B)  I really like being outside on these days.
           C)  Why does Mika dislike rainy weather?               C)  I feel happy and excited in cloudy weather.

           D)  What is the weather like in winter in Angola?      D)  I enjoy doing activities on cloudy days.
       GRADE 6 ENGLISH                                      31
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