Page 30 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 30


                           TEST 2           Çözümler için     4.               WEATHER FORECAST
                                             okutunuz                SİNOP       UŞAK        AĞRI        İZMİR
       1.   Mike:  Don’t  go  fishing,  Logan.  I  watched  the  weather
           forecast this morning. It says ............ today.

           Logan: Really? Well... I should stay at home, then.
                                                                      9  C        2  C        -5  C      18  C
           Which option is the most suitable for the blank?
                                                                  According to the chart of weather forecast, ........ .
           A)  the weather is stormy all day
           B)  the temperature is 19°C                            A)  the  weather  is  sunny  in  İzmir  and  it  is  18  degrees
           C)  the weather is mostly sunny
           D)  it is cloudy in the afternoon                      B)  Ağrı is snowy and the temperature is minus 5 degrees
                                                                  C)  it is cloudy in Sinop and the temperature is 9 degrees

                                                                  D)  the weather is windy in Uşak and it is minus 2 degrees
       2.          Kimberly                 Affan                    Celsius
                   ALASKA                  DUBAI

                    -34 °C                  48 °C
               Moody and upset       Happy and energetic

           Which option is correct according to the information
           in the chart above?
           A)  The weather conditions in Alaska and Dubai are the
           B)  Affan doesn’t feel sad and tired in sunny weather.   5.   English  teacher,  Mrs.  Clayton  has  thirty  6th  grade
                                                                  students in her class. She asked her students about how
           C)  Alaska  is  hotter  than  Dubai  because  it  is  sunny  in   they feel in windy weather in her last lesson. Here are
              Alaska.                                             the results:
           D)  Kimberly feels moody and upset in rainy weather.


       3.   Daisy: Oh, mom! It is stormy. ............. Please stay with   anxious
           me tonight. I don’t want to be alone. What is this sound?                                   Number of
                                                                          0    3  5   7          15    students
           Mum: It’s thunder, dear.
                                                                  According  to  the  results,  which  of  the  following
           Daisy: ............... Can you repeat that, please?
                                                                  option is correct?
           Mum: Thunder! Rain comes after thunder and lightning.  A)  More than five 6th graders feel moody on windy days.
           Daisy: Oh, I got it, mummy. Look at the outside. ................   B)  Windy  weather  makes  less  than  seven  6th  grade

           Which of the following option does not complete the       students feel anxious.
           dialogue?                                              C)  Most of the 6th graders feel excited in windy weather.

           A) I don’t get it.    B) I feel scared.                D)  Windy weather makes half of the 6th grade students
           C) It is raining.     D) I feel tired.                    feel scared.
       GRADE 6 ENGLISH                                      29
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