Page 27 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 27


        6.                                                     10.
               Hi there! My name is Clara. I live in a big city. There    FLAT A                   FLAT B
               are a lot of people living in this city. (1) .................
               There is always a traffic jam in the downtown. (2)    ✔  a big living room, 2   ✔  a double bedroom, 2
               .......................  I  want  to  live  in  a  quiet,  relaxing   double bedrooms,   bathrooms, a living
               and peaceful place when I’m retired.                    a kitchen, a dining     room with a view of
                                                                       room, 2 bathrooms       the countryside, a
            Which option completes Clara’s talk?                     ✔  in the downtown        kitchen
            A)  (1)  It’s  healthier  and  cheaper.  (2)  The  streets  are   ✔  €2000 per month  ✔  in the uptown
               quieter and cleaner.                                                          ✔  €1500 per month

            B)  (1) It’s not crowded. (2) The streets are quieter and   According to the information above, which option is
               more peaceful.
            C)  (1) It’s very crowded. (2) The streets are noisy.
                                                                   A)  Flat B is closer to the downtown than Flat A.
            D)  (1) People are not busy. (2) The streets are calm but
               dirty.                                              B)  Flat A is smaller and cheaper than Flat B.
                                                                   C)  Flat A has more rooms than Flat B.

        7.                                                         D)  Flat B is bigger and more expensive than Flat A.
              Hi, I’m John. I live in a village with my family. We
              have  a  farm  house  here.  We  wake  up  very  early
              every  morning.  We  take  care  of  our  animals  first.   11.  Robert: It is Sunday today and I’m so happy. Now, I’m in
              Then we go to our garden and water the vegetables    the playground with my friends. ....................
              and fruit trees. I think the village life is healthier and
              more peaceful than the city life. People in the city are   Which option does not complete Robert’s speech?
              always very busy and don’t find organic food easily.  A)  I’m studying for my math exam.

                                                                   B)  I’m flying my kite.
            In this text, there is no information about .... .
                                                                   C)  I’m riding my bicycle.
            A)  why he is pleased to live in his hometown
                                                                   D)  I’m playing on the monkey bar.
            B)  what he does depends on the place he lives in

            C)  how long he has lived in the village with his family
            D)  what he thinks about the village life and the city life  Hi, I’m Oscar. I live in a big city with my family. Our
                                                                     house  is  in  the  downtown. The  downtown  is  very
        8.   At the moment, .................. and watching people outside   busy  and  noisy.  On  Sundays,  we  sometimes  go
            from the window while drinking my coffee.                to  the  countryside  to  relax  and  refresh.  Today  is
                                                                     Sunday. We are having a picnic in the forest now.
            Find the appropriate option for the blank.               My father and I are playing with a ball. My mother is

            A)  I’m sitting at a cafe in the downtown                preparing meals for us. My sister is helping her with
                                                                     cooking. This place is really quiet and relaxing.
            B)  I’m studying for my maths exam at the library
            C)  I’m buying a ticket at the movie theatre           What can we say according to the text above?
            D)  I’m seeing a play on stage at the theatre          A)  The  downtown  is  crowded  and  noisy,  but  they  like

                                                                      living there so much.
        9.   Shopping centers are ................... than parks. I like quiet   B)  The country life is not appropriate for them because
            places, so I mostly prefer going to the parks around my   it is boring.
            house.                                                 C)  They  like  spending  time  in  the  forest  because  it’s
            Complete the blank with the correct option.               relaxing and quiet.

            A) more enjoyable      B) noisier                      D)  Only his parents do all the duties when they are at
            C) calmer              D) more relaxing                   the picnic.
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