Page 26 - 6. Sınıf Süreç Odaklı İngilizce Soru Bankası Bayilik
P. 26


                           TEST 4           Çözümler için     3.
                                                                                        My grandma likes
       1.   Rachel is a student and she lives in a big city. The chart                   keeping herself
           below shows her daily routine.                                              busy at home in her
                                                                                        spare time. Now,
                        Rachel’s Daily Routine                                          ........................ .

                 07.15 a.m.   get up

                 07.30 a.m.   have breakfast                      Fill in the blank according to the picture above.

                 08.00 a.m.   go to school                        A)  she is preparing some cookies for me

                 12.30 p.m.   have lunch with friends             B)  she is cleaning the house for her guests
                 01.30 p.m.      attend chess club
                                                                  C)  she is reading a book about friendship

           It is half past twelve now. According to the chart,    D)  she is knitting a sweater for me
           what is she doing at the moment?
           A)                    B)                           4.
                                                                                LONDON VS ROME
                                                                    • London is bigger than Rome.

                                                                    • London has got more taller buildings such as

                                                                     skyscrapers and apartment buildings than Rome.
           C)                    D)                                 •   London is more crowded and expensive than

                                                                    •   The shops are not  busier in Rome than in

                                                                  Which one is false according to the given information?

                                                                  A)  The area of Rome is smaller than the area of London,
                                                                     so London is larger.

                                                                  B)  There are more people in London than in Rome, but
                                                                     Rome is cheaper than London.
                                                                  C)  London is more expensive, but more people visit the
       2.   HeIlo, I’m Robert. I’m an architect. live in a big city with
           my family. Actually, I don’t like cities because they are   shops in London than in Rome.
           very crowded, dirty and noisy. There is always a traffic   D)  The buildings in Rome are higher than the buildings
           jam on the roads in the downtown. You must be patient     in London.
           when you live in the city. I want to live in a small town
           when I’m retired because those places are calm, clean
           and relaxing.                                      5.   Martin: Hello, Mr. Roberts. This is Martin, your next - door
                                                                  neighbour. Where are you?
           We can understand from the text that ..... .
                                                                  Mr. Roberts: Hi, Martin. Now, I am at the bus stop.
           A)  he likes city life and he thinks cities are cleaner than   ................... I must be at my office on time.
              small towns
                                                                  Fill in the blank with the suitable option.
           B)  he  wants  to  live  in  a  peaceful  place  because  it’s
              calmer than a city                                  A)  I am waiting for the bus.
           C)  he thinks cities aren’t dirtier and quieter than small   B)  I am walking around.
              towns                                               C)  I am feeding my dog.

           D)  he is very patient, so he can always live in a city  D)  I am watching the scenery.
       GRADE 6 ENGLISH                                      25
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